:)  Strange topic for techtalk but.......

--- Rik Hemsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> #if Tania M. Morell
> > used to that in no time at all.  As it is, I wish
> I could afford that
> > now for myself.  I'm a Unix SysAdmin now, and with
> all the learning and
> > work I have ahead of me, I hate wasting my little
> time on laundry,
> > cooking, and cleaning.  It's a pain.
> All this learning ahead of you will probably
> include:
> 1) Learning that you can get away with not ironing
> clothes if you're
>    careful in your choice of material and remember
> not to sleep in
>    them.

:(  Not so happy to admit...  sometimes I do sleep in
my clothes.  And I think I've taken out the ironing
board 3 times in the last 10 months and that was for
job interviews. ..(It was a programmers habit too, I
guess) That and I'm the least vain person I know. *no
makeup*   *I hate shopping for clothes*  If I didn't
feel unladylike going grunge all the time, I would.

> 2) Leaning that cooking is something they do on TV.
> Sysadmins don't
>    watch TV, so by day we have a liquid lunch. By
> night we eat whatever
>    will come to us, which usually means the curry
> house that's open
>    latest.

I cook to save money and to keep from blowing up like
a baloon..   I mostly have breakfast in a can, though,
but lately it's been McDonald's #3 with orange juice.
hmmmm ..  yummy.

> 3) Learning that cleanliness is next to impossible.

If it weren't for my dog and my parrot, I'd object.

> 4) Learning that 'killall' works differently on Real
> Unices.


> Rik
> p.s. :P
> -- 
> Dip into nihilism.
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

Tania Morell
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