> > > 4) Learning that 'killall' works differently on
> Real
> > > Unices.
> > > 
> > 
> > huh?
> Ok, we're back to techtalk :)
> 'huh' is what I said when I become one of the elite
> club
> known as 'Those Who Accidentally Typed killall.'
> (guess
> what that is as an acronym ;)
> My first sysadmin job, I was sitting in front of a
> user's
> Wyse term, talking to another senior IT person
> sitting next
> to me. I typed 'killall -9 some_process_name' and
> nothing
> happened.
> "You just watch," I joked. "All the terminals will
> go off
> now."
> How right I was. 100 people turned around and looked
> at
> me.
> I spent the next 20 minutes standing in front of the
> room-sized DG-UX machine, watching the console with
> my fingers crossed, waiting for it to come back up.
> My boss and all the IT staff were stood behind me,
> looking
> through the glass.
> How much more embarassing can you get ?

Something similar happened to a programmer friend of
mine.  He pulled a plug thinking it belonged to a
printer and it actually belonged to a server.  Dozens
of people couldn't get any work done while the system
came back up. As I understand it, this took quite a
while and he was extremely embarrased over it.

> Rik

It really is very hard to decipher who is male and
female by their name.  Some names are not so obvious.
Sorry about this but if you had spelled your name with
a 'c', I may have assumed one thing.

> -- 
> Cannibalise.
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

Tania Morell
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