On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 17:08:09 -0800, "Amanda Lenay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>I fell into the same routine that you are in now: cleaning, cooking,
>shopping, laundry, etc... and felt strangely inadequate if I fell
>behind in any of my "duties".
I ended up drawing the housework straw in my relationship with my ex.
I resented it rather heavily and was very irresponsible at keeping up
with it. Strangely enough, since she's left, I have been much more
responsible about doing the housework (the house hasn't been cleaner)
and while I can't say I enjoy doing it, I don't dislike it. I think a
lot of it is that now I'm doing it for someone who actually
appreciates that I do it -- something I never got from my ex (she
would occasionally say that she appreciated it but I think she was
just saying that to mollify me).
[I'm moving this thread to grrltalk.]
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