Hey All,
Just my $.02. I just moved out here to Seattle about 6mo. ago. I don't
have a car so if I want to go grocery shopping I have a few options. A:
bum a ride B: Take mass transit C: don't keep any food in house or D: shop
at homegrocer.com. Guess which one I chose.
I am not married/have a family. But I would imagine that if I did and
going to work meant being able to provide more for the people I loved and
hiring someone to help with the 'housework' would potentially give me more
time to spend with them I don't think that it would be an issue. I guess
it's guess how you look at it.
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Magni Onsoien wrote:
> Tania Morell:
> > :) Strange topic for techtalk but.......
> It really should be an important part of ANY organizer programme, so I
> think we should discuss it further in order to make a spec and then get
> it implemented ;)
> > :( Not so happy to admit... sometimes I do sleep in
> > my clothes. And I think I've taken out the ironing
> > board 3 times in the last 10 months and that was for
> > job interviews. ..(It was a programmers habit too, I
> > guess) That and I'm the least vain person I know. *no
> > makeup* *I hate shopping for clothes* If I didn't
> > feel unladylike going grunge all the time, I would.
> I really think you should concider paying someone to do some cleaning
> for you. Just think about it: do you hate housework so much that it
> would be a relief to come home to a clean house with your clothes washed
> and ironed - even if it means a bit less money?
> Do me there is no doubt: I definitely will have someone to do cleaning
> when I start working. I am actually concidering it now, too, when I am a
> student working part time. I live with a geek guy who hates housework,
> so my plan is to get someone to clean the floors, bathroom, dust etc
> every forthnight and maybe also do the laundry for us. Of course we will
> then split the expenses between us.
> We also used to buy groceries etc via internet and get the shop to bring
> it home for us. Costed a bit extra, but as we used to buy from a cheap
> store the total amount was less than we would have paid to buy it from
> our local store (we don't have a car, so it's hard to bring home juice,
> milk, beer etc).
> > I cook to save money and to keep from blowing up like
> > a baloon.. I mostly have breakfast in a can, though,
> > but lately it's been McDonald's #3 with orange juice.
> > hmmmm .. yummy.
> I eat bread for breakfast. Then I have bead and cheese and stuff at work
> and make my lunch from that. At home we either make a pizza or we cook
> something ourself, mainly consisting of 3-4 ingredients plus rice or
> pasta. Cheap and usually pretty fast and with little trouble. It's
> definitely possible to read mail/news, compile, program or read
> newspapers while the food is preparing itself.
> So, the technical side: all this should be implemented in some
> electronic organizer stuff: reminders of calling the cleaner, automatic
> submitting of the orders to the shop at the end of each Friday (so it's
> delivered when one gets home from work)(the list should be the
> "standard" stuff like milk, bread etc, plus the things you have added to
> the list plus necessay ingredients to next weeks cooking (see later)),
> proposals for menus for each day of week, which in time should compile
> with the day's appointments. So if the organizer knows that you have a
> meeting until late on Tuesday, it should propose (and maybe order) a
> very simple meal, whil when it see that you have a day off on Sunday
> plus that you are expecting your family for dinner then, it should make
> sure an appropriate steak with vegetables is ordered. Etc. I mean, this
> would be wonderful and really useful! Not only will the organizer make
> sure you have time for your meetings etc, but it will also make sure you
> have time for cooking (and the other home duties, which you of course
> specify in it) afterwards.
> Hm. I really NEED this. Now!
> (And I think we maybe should move this to grrltalk now. So if someone
> wants to discuss this further: send to grrltalk instead :))
> Magni :)
> --
> ulimit is good for you.
> ************
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