Agreed Eleanor.


Maurice Press

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 19 March 2012 10:00
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an iPhone)

I would have been writing what you write up to every release of Talks until
now but it is not acceptable to have a bug where there was no bug before on
the Facebook and Twitter.  Now surely at least that should have been fixed
immediately.  Then I am happy to wait again for the next release.  Maybe
there is an adjustment within the Talks settings that can get rid of this
problem.  Let me give you an example.  I use y-browser and I found that when
I went in using y-browser to Data folder to look at all my ring tones, it
was very difficult to hear the names as there was so much chatter from
Talks.  I raised this issue on list and Stephen Gigger was able to tell me
how to cut down on all that chatter and now all is well.  I am therefore
saying maybe there is some adjustment we need to make in relation to
Facebook and Twitter and all will be well.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an iPhone)

> Hi,
> Guys, I can't understand you.
> You say that nuance isn't interested in talks anymore?
> Then there is
> a question. if they really are not interested, why they release new 
> versions of it?
> Yes, they don't do it that regular, but they do.
> And every update contains improved features and fixed bugs.
> I understand  when
> you wish all programs were
> accessible, but they can't do so much at the same time.
> Sorry
> for
> my english.
> I hope
> you understood me.
> Sascha --
> -Ursprüngl. Mitteilung---
> Von:
> Gesendet:  19.03.2012, 06:23
> An: Talks Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an
> iPhone)
> Exactly my point. I had put out an email a couple of weeks ago. Nuance 
> is just not interested in Talks any more.
> -original message-
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an
> iPhone)
> From: "Kit" <>
> Date: 19/03/2012 5:46 AM
> It's amazing the testers, either Alpha or Omega or Beta missed this 
> bug on FB and Twitter. It's so commonly used by so many people in the 
> world and also always ask on accessibility in Talks list.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eleanor Burke" <>
> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 7:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an
> iPhone)
> Fair points, but I mean the Testers must be reading our mails too and 
> surely they must be finding the same issues as ourselves so I am 
> wondering why they are not reporting back to the Developers.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Fi Dunn" <>
> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 11:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an
> iPhone)
>> Ah, well, I have done some beta testing, although never for talks, 
>> and you have to sign agreements about not disclosing various things, 
>> which can depend on the software in question. It always says you 
>> won't share features of upcoming versions you are testing, though, 
>> whichever company.
>> Also, the hassle some of them on here would get from people trying to 
>> weedle information out of them would be horrific, if they disclosed 
>> that they were testers, I should imagine.
>> Fi
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> []
>> On Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
>> Sent: 18 March 2012 23:10
>> To: Talks Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an
>> iPhone)
>> Or if not developers, maybe even Testers, though I do not think the 
>> Testers openly say who they are either.
>> Eleanor
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Fi Dunn" <>
>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
>> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 10:53 PM
>> Subject: [Talks] Developers, are you there? (wasI just bought an 
>> iPhone)
>>> Exactly, this silence is really frustrating.
>>> Developers, are you there?
>>> Fi
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: 
>>> []
>>> On Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
>>> Sent: 18 March 2012 22:15
>>> To: Talks Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [Talks] I just bought an iPhone
>>> Well said Fi but I must just make another point about the e-mail and 
>>> Talks and indeed I raised this within a few days of latest release 
>>> of Talks but it was met with a wall of silence.  When we want to 
>>> read an e-mail we have all this additional information that we do 
>>> not want, the number of frames the first frame being untitled and 
>>> consisting of 2 colms, when the first frame finishes and when the 
>>> second frame starts.  Not only that, it is 50 50 if Talks even picks 
>>> up the e-mail on first go, I am often treated to Browser Browser 
>>> Browser and have to repeat the Talks and arrow down yet again.
>>> Eleanor
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Fi Dunn" <>
>>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 10:05 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Talks] I just bought an iPhone
>>>> I agree totally, especially about E-mail and the FaceBook and 
>>>> Twitter jabbering while you're inputting text issue, which is 
>>>> really annoying!!!
>>>> It's far easier for me to use my Android, iPhone or even ... um ...
>>>> Mobile
>>>> speak on faceBook! Yes, it doesn't do some other stuff that the 
>>>> very latest Talks does, but they haven't broken edit boxes on 
>>>> social networking sites up till now. Why should these be broken 
>>>> when they were fine before?
>>>> I have only upgraded Talks, not my firmware or anything lately. I'm 
>>>> not sure if I should upgrade to the new versions of software 
>>>> available, either. Will facebook and Twitter edit boxes still be 
>>>> broken, even after that? Will my E-mail be even worse? We don't 
>>>> seem to get answers to such questions from developers the way they 
>>>> do on the Android list ... and most of the Android screen readers 
>>>> are free! So we've kept on and on paying for Talks and can't access 
>>>> E-mail very well, and the Ovi Store isn't even a joke! It's worse! 
>>>> As far as I know, there hasn't really been any explanation about 
>>>> why this doesn't work well, but the same applies with Mobile Speak 
>>>> there. Code factory did, at least make older phones read E-mail 
>>>> better, though. Having to arrow down to read the body of an E-mail 
>>>> really is primitive!
>>>> I tend to do most of my mailing on my HTC or iPhone for that reason 
>>>> these days.
>>>> I love the design of Nokia phones, and the Vocaliser voices used 
>>>> with talks, but, if you want to keep us on side, at least give us 
>>>> some reasons why this stuff doesn't work well in Symbian, when it 
>>>> does on other platforms, please!
>>>> Thank you for reading this. These are thoughts I have had for a 
>>>> number of months now, not just something I thought of today. I've 
>>>> already pretty much decided my next new phone ... and I like new 
>>>> phones ... often ...
>>>> will almost certainly not b a Nokia on Symbian, with its 
>>>> inaccessible Ovi Store, most apps and half-baked e-mail access.
>>>> If people think I'm being harsh, I'm sorry. However, I say all this 
>>>> after using all three platforms, so I do know what I am comparing.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Fi
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: 
>>>> []
>>>> On Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
>>>> Sent: 18 March 2012 21:39
>>>> To: Talks Mailing List
>>>> Subject: Re: [Talks] I just bought an iPhone
>>>> Christopher I am very pleased to read what you write below re Talks 
>>>> and iPhone. I am aware of more and more blind people making the 
>>>> move over to iPhone and I am thinking seriously about it for my 
>>>> necxt phone, however, I have been a Talks user for 4 years now and 
>>>> my appeal here is to the Talks developers not to let the iPhone and 
>>>> Android take over the market of screen readers for the blind. My 
>>>> Symbian S60 has met all my needs up to
>>>> 2011 but Talks is not meeting my needs at present. What then are my 
>>>> problems?
>>>> 1. E-mail accessability is not what it was. I cannot seem to find a 
>>>> way on my E6 to save a new e-mail address.
>>>> 2. As pointed out by another list member, over a week ago, the Edit 
>>>> boxes in Twitter and Facebook have Talks continually saying edit 
>>>> box while one is writing. Yet this has only become an issue with 
>>>> Talks released in February 2012. What surprises me is that such an 
>>>> issue is not known at release time. Surely the developers run 
>>>> through e-mail, internet and social network sites prior to release.
>>>> 3. Despite all I said over months about the work around on E6 to 
>>>> start writing in a word document. My comments were not listened to.
>>>> Finally Talks developers, I love Talks and do not want to stop 
>>>> using this excellent and reasonably priced software, but if my 
>>>> comments and those of other users fall on deaf ears, then we may be 
>>>> forced to go out and purchase an alternative mobile device than the 
>>>> symbian S60 one.
>>>> -----Original message-----
>>>> From: Christopher Chaltain
>>>> Sent:  18/03/2012, 3:28  pm
>>>> To: Talks Mailing List
>>>> Subject: [Talks] I just bought an iPhone
>>>> Well, after being a happy Symbian and Talks user for almost exactly 
>>>> 9 years, I finally decided to get a new smart phone, and this time 
>>>> I went with an iPhone. Not that why I did so is important to 
>>>> anyone, but I'll include some of my thoughts below, as well as how 
>>>> much I appreciate Talks and the Symbian platform.
>>>> I started using Talks while it was still in beta back at the end of 
>>>> 2002.
>>>> I got a Nokia 9290 communicator, and I think this, in conjunction 
>>>> with Talks, was the first fully accessible smart phone available to 
>>>> the blind.
>>>> I've had 2 Symbian phones since then, the Nokia N75 and the AT&T 
>>>> Nokia E71X. Each phone had it's strengths and weaknesses, but in 
>>>> general, I've never been disappointed with Symbian or Talks.
>>>> My decision to go with an iPhone was a tough one, although that was 
>>>> as much philosophical as anything else. I type on my E71X much less 
>>>> than I used to, so the thought of going with a touch only device 
>>>> became less of a concern for me. I was kind of waiting for the 
>>>> Droid 4 (which will have a keyboard), but I wasn't sure when or if 
>>>> AT&T would ever carry the Droid 4, and after reading multiple 
>>>> reviews of Android and Ice Cream Sandwich, it seemed like I'd be 
>>>> waiting quite a while for Android to catch up with the iPhone with 
>>>> respect to accessibility.
>>>> The closed nature of the iPhone also concerned me when comparing it 
>>>> to an Android, or even a Symbian, phone, but I use the cloud more 
>>>> and more, and I eventually decided that I could leverage the cloud 
>>>> enough to minimize my need to use Windows or iTunes.
>>>> I also started finding myself needing an IOS or Android device for 
>>>> work and wanting one for personal use, e.g. the apps I needed for 
>>>> work or wanted to use personally were only available on the IOS or 
>>>> Android platforms. Although there isn't anything wrong with my 
>>>> E71X, it is starting to show it's age, and once I decided Android 
>>>> would be playing catch up with the iPhone with respect to 
>>>> accessibility for quite some time to come, even given Ice Cream 
>>>> Sandwich. I decided there was no longer any reason to wait.
>>>> I just want to say that I never slammed the iPhone, so I don't 
>>>> think I'm being hypocritical at all. I still feel the Symbian 
>>>> device and Talks are perfectly adequate solutions for the right 
>>>> situation, and I don't think anyone needs to feel like they're 
>>>> being left behind if they choose to continue to use a Symbian 
>>>> device for another handset or two. It's all about what you want and 
>>>> what gets the job done.
>>>> I just want to conclude by letting the Talks developers and this 
>>>> list know how much I appreciated the technological advances made by 
>>>> the Talks developers. They were truly visionaries. I also want this 
>>>> list to know how much I appreciated the support I got from this 
>>>> list and it's members.
>>>> I'm
>>>> convinced that without Symbian, Talks and this list, I would not 
>>>> have been a satisfied blind smart phone user these past nine years.
>>>> I'll hang out on this list for a bit, and I'm sure I'll see some of 
>>>> you on more generic lists, but eventually I'll have to unsubscribe 
>>>> from this list, unless of course, I can't stand the iPhone and come 
>>>> back to Talks!
>>>> Wow, this all seems a bit melodramatic, but Talks and this list 
>>>> have actually been a big part of my life for most of a decade, so I 
>>>> hope y'all will forgive my drama! Good luck everyone in that quest 
>>>> for the perfect smart phone for your own situation!
>>>> --
>>>> Christopher (CJ)
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