On 5 Sep 2016 16:52, "Francesco Placco" <che-...@libero.it> wrote: > > Wow, cioè, state spostando il discorso sulla "cultura" dell'isola? Come se ci fosse un'attacco alla vostra identità? E che centra che uno "non vive in Sardegna", Francesca? E' una scusante per dover stare zitti? E questi ultimatum? La mancanza di rispetto qui è per tutti quelli che stanno provando a dare un contributo alla discussione, dato che voi vi siete arroccati su un punto e non collaborate affatto. > Non ho parole.
Hello Francesco! Calm down, I was talking to Fayor , not you or others, and the unrespectful was about this: " Se i toponimi sardi fossero davvero bilingua avremmo il nome sardo accanto a quello italiano all'ingresso di ogni abitato, piuttosto che in cartelli di varie forme e colori con scopi puramente culturale o nozionistici." Thank God Osm is not about plain numbers and data and it's always has been about culture and expression of territory. We are not google and it doesn't need to go political here, we have a two languages and 99% of Sardinian places have born with a Sardinian name ( mere only the fascist ones like Arborea, Carbonia, Fertilia, ect) . Let's think about local community in a little town of Afghanistan , how can I dare to change something like names there without knowing anything just checking internet websites and law rules?! I will be a fool. Anyway here we have an archive, (but it's going to grow as people we'll send to me), collection of our panels. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0B0mTxfflv-DURFV0WHlpUzFlQTA I'm sorry the panels are not very good designed for someone but it states clear the we Sardinian speak Sardinian ( I really find absurd to prove our daily use of Sardinian). Let's keep OSM a coral expression of culture. Have fun F > > > _______________________________________________ > Talk-it mailing list > Talk-it@openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
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