That's what drinking_water=yes is used for, right?

In Britain, you don't use drinking_water=yes, in Portugal (or whatever
country it may be) we use amenity=fountain (which is always
decorative/ornamental/historic, so it fits your conception of fountain)
AND drinking_water=yes.
For me, it's simple. I don't see any issue with that.

Às 14:51 de 06/02/2020, Paul Allen escreveu:

    A person outside Europe will still find what she/he wants by
    searching the tag fountain, either with OR without drinking_water.

How?  I go to your country looking for drinking water and all I see on
the map
are ornamental fountains because that's what "fountain" means to me. 
You come
to the UK looking for drinking water and drink from an ornamental
fountain that
doesn't doesn't supply drinkable water because that's what "fountain"
means to
you.  This way madness lies.



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