As the one who in a way triggered this discussion originally, a discussion
that has been abandoned without conclusion, I want to say that I had very
much preferred that the discussion be restarted *before *a one-sided wiki
If two different methods are in use, we should document both, outlining
also their limitations.
I had suspended spending time on this, as I intended to introduce also
other combinations, like two-way cycle lanes (no physical separation) on
one side of the road, combined or segregated foot-cycle lanes on one side
of the road, and maybe others that I have forgotten about.
The more cycling-related infrastructure I map, the more odd solutions come
up, for which I would like to have consensus-based mapping solutions.

On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 at 15:07, "Christian Müller" <> wrote:

> oneway:bicycle=no is indifferent to a specific lane object,
> it only means that a specific mode of transportation has
> an exemption from the value tagged using oneway=*
> In fact, oneway:bicycle=no refers most prominently to oneways
> that do not have a marked cycleway lane at all, e.g. case S1
> in the osm wiki [1].
> It is not an adequate replacement for the lane specific
> tags and thus should not be mixed.
> Regards,
> cmuelle8
> [1]
> > On 15/3/19, 10:13, Andrew Davidson wrote:
> >
> > oneway:bicycle=no => 70400
> >
> > and looking at oneway:bicycle was being
> > added at a rate of 120:1 to cycleway:left/right:oneway in the first half
> > of 2018.
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