+1 for your rationale by not being blinded by sheer numbers.
(if we are to go by the numbers there, we are stuck with the
oldest and most established tags ever, regardless of their

-1 for your suspicion.  If you cannot live with a wiki being
changed, then use paper.  Wikis were meant to be edited.
They are here, to not have to use an eraser or whiteout if
an example is to be added or a mistake is to be fixed.

OT: The people stuck in their habit of continuously commenting
on things, longing to pertain the status quo regardless of
how ridiculous the state it is in, don't they look suspicious
too in your eyes?


> On 15/03/2019 08:50, althio wrote:
> Whatever the preferred tagging method, both are used and both should be 
> documented in the wiki.
> At least for the sake of data users and definition of used tags.
> The edit of the wiki looks suspicious. 

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