Hello Warin,

I find unfair and surprising your last wiki change while the discussion 
is still ongoing.

1) saying that historic: is one in the category "Repurpose" is amazing.
let's take for example the example found of the wiki page of the first 
key you put in this category
     historical: civilization=ancient_roman
This does not mean that this site is now being reused for something else 
such as a soccer field.
imho the historical namespace: simply means that we are talking about 
the historical importance of an object. this has nothing to do with the 
life cycle of an object but rather describes the context in which it was 
created, like we do with start_date.
If you want to define the current usage of the castle,
the tag building:use=residential seems to me more appropriate than 
claiming that historical: implies a different reuse today.

2) same problem with your classification of namespace was:
the tag does not mean that the location has been assigned to something else.
For example, if you notice that a restaurant has disappeared, you can 
modify the object and put was: in front of the key.
this does not mean, however, that the place has been reassigned to 
something else.
if so, the fact that it is reassigned will be given by another key, e. 
g. amenity=bar
Therefore, I find that was: is simply a generic namespace that 
encompasses demolished: and removed:
it just says that the previously valid object is no longer valid today, 
without lingering unnecessarily if the fact that the object has been 
demolished, removed or any other method depending on the object concerned.
demolished:building removed:building and was:building means exactly the 
same thing to me. this key exist in the past but is out-of-date.
I think we would gain visibility by merging these 3 namespace into the 
generic term was:

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