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> On 3. Jan 2018, at 23:06, Warin <> wrote:
> I have moved some disused:railway=* from OSM to OHM as railway=* with start 
> and end dates .. that records what was there then, not its present state ...

disused:railway is about something that is there (a disused railway element 
like tracks or a station), abandoned:railway is also about disused railways, 
but in a state of degradation (e.g. trees growing between the tracks). razed 
railways would typically not be mapped in osm, as they are no longer there. 
IIRR there is also the proposed concept of dismantled railways where the tracks 
are removed but it is still perceivable as former railway (e.g. embankments and 
tunnels, bridges). While disused and abandoned are states that are not disputed 
for inserting in osm (afaik), dismantled and razed are. Personally I’d accept 
dismantled railways as long as there is something, even if it requires 
additional knowledge or experience to understand that what you see is a former 

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