2015-03-03 16:52 GMT+01:00 AYTOUN RALPH <ralph.ayt...@ntlworld.com>:

> The amenity=toilet is an existing tag for public access amenity and is
> rendered on the map.
> As toilets do not sit out in the open (except in some continental places
> where it is just a modesty wall) but are rather housed in a structure of
> some kind then I see no reason why we could not add a non-rendering tag
>  toilet=yes to a building for private toilets either in a residence or
> outhouse.

while I also believe that there is room for tagging both kind of toilets,
private and public / semi-public ones (with distinctive tags, i.e. no
"amenity" namespace for the private ones), I would like to point out that
the attribute "toilets" is also defined for publicly accessible toilets

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