On Thu, Oct 03, 2024 at 05:58:57PM +0200, Robin Gareus wrote:
> Ardour has not required in-place processing since v6 around 5 years ago.
Good to know.

> Yet when possible, a given plugin standards support it, the extra copy step
> can be avoided and the same buffer pointer is passed for input and output.

What 'extra copy step' ? There isn't any. if you have A->B, the pointer to
B's input can be the same as the one to A's output. No copy is necessary. 
It's only the requirement of being 'in-place-safe' that requires extra
copies in some cases.

> * It doesn't avoid copies nor optimise anything
> less memory is touched, so caches can be used more effectively. This also
> leads to faster context switches. If you have a few hundred tracks with a
> couple of plugins on each, things can add up quickly.

With typical period sizes we are talking about very small buffers. And I'd
expect a chain of plugins in the same strip to not require context switching.

> As for the issue at hand. The IEM (VST3) plugins run just fine in Ardour
> without in-place processing. For the current ambdec plugins it is LADSPA
> that mandates in-place, isn't it?

No, LADPSA never required this, only Ardour did. Which did complicate
some of the simple Ambisonic related plugins. LADSPA just allows a plugin
to declare that it is not 'in-place-safe'.

Another 'less than useful' requirement is the one that a plugin process
should be callable with an arbitrary number of samples, down to one.

* It doesn't make sense for anything supposed to be 'sample accurate'
  because most plugins will do some parameter smoothing anyway to avoid
  zipper noise. 

* It make optimising the process code near impossible in almost all



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