On Thu, Oct 03, 2024 at 10:52:20AM +0200, Anders Vinjar wrote:
> A while ago (ca. 1 yr?) i stumbled across a plugin version of Fons'
> ambdec, but can't find it anywhere now.
> Anybody knows where to look?
> A plugin would be useful esp. in Reaper.  I cant find a way to set-up
> multichannel (> 2) track-inserts to external apps, so beautiful in
> Ardour.

Why would you ever want Ambdec as an insert ? Its outputs are 
speaker signals, not something to be processed further. So 
normally Ambdec will just be connected to a strip or main
output. Even then you can re-route the output, e.g. to record

That said, a new version is in development, it will handle
up to 5th order, and probably also a separate subwoofer 
decode. It was tested last saturday rendering 'Oscillation
of Life' by Jan Jacob Hofmann on a 41 speaker array at the
ZKM Kubus.



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