On Thu, Oct 03, 2024 at 12:03:16PM +0200, Anders Vinjar wrote:
> My complaint about missing inserts in fx-chains in Reaper was a general
> one, not relating to Ambdec or any other decoder-output, or about the
> plugin-version of ambdec for that matter.

Would Reaper support a plugin with e.g 16 inputs and 64 outputs ?

Would it (as Ardour does) require the plugin to support 'in-place'
processing ? This is still a real PITA in Ardour:

* It doesn't make sense for things that are not just an 'effect'
  (e.g. EQ or dynamics) meaning the output is just some modified
  version of the the input, and logically replaces it.
  That includes e.g Ambisonic decoding - the output does not 
  logically replace the input but has a completely different role.

* It doesn't avoid copies nor optimise anything - the number of
  read and write operations is still the same. The only case where
  a copy is avoided is when a plugin is bypassed. And if that 
  memcpy() creates a CPU load problem, then certainly actually
  running the plugin will create a bigger one.

* It actually *forces* plugins which can't support in-place easily
  (because of the nature of the internal algorithm) to make a copy
  that would not be necessary, not even in the host, otherwise.

* The same happens when a signal is an input to two or more
  processors - neither of them should overwrite the signal
  before the other(s) use it.

Actually routing of signals between a set of processors becomes
a much easier problem if none of them is ever allowed to modify
its inputs. So if I would ever write a DAW, I would forbid this,
exactly the opposite of what Ardour does.



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