We use data aquisition and logging for recording electrical signals in
plants - for data logging we just store long term data in a txt file and
uits normally something we leave in the field , batrtery driven, for a
length of time and it stores data on an sd card - it can be converted into
a graph, of different data loggers have different file formats (national
instruments etc etc) DAQs typically doesnt require you to store any data
and are connected to the computer by usb - we use that to trigger sounds
when a threshold is reached.
yep way off topic !

On 3 October 2013 10:27, Marc Lavallée <m...@hacklava.net> wrote:

> Thu, 3 Oct 2013 04:33:50 -0000 (GMT),
> "Michael Chapman" <s...@mchapman.com> a écrit :
> > No idea what folks who do physical measurements over time use as file
> > formats (light intensity over 24 hours for example), but if I didn't
> > know of anything better .wav would fit the bill.
> > But this is straying a little off topic ...
> There's a difference between data logging and data acquisition:
> time based events are recorded in text files, while samples are
> recorded in binary files:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_logging#Data_logging_versus_data_acquisition
> It depends if recording light intensity over 24 hours is for
> a weather report or for a movie like Andy Warhol's "Empire"...
> --
> Marc
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