but yes if you could get Nuendo to import .amb it would be brilliant .

On 2 October 2013 19:19, Augustine Leudar <augustineleu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Yvan -
> 1) Nuendo does not allow you to import or export .amb files natively.
> 2) Wigware or the others VSTs suggested on this thread will work in Nuendo
> - you could do your ambisonic mixing in nuendo but getting the vertical
> plane right will be a routing headache.
> 3) You would have to export however many mono tracks were needed for your
> specific array - you wouldnt be able to export a .amb file or the xyz/w
> On 2 October 2013 19:13, David McGriffy <da...@mcgriffy.com> wrote:
>> Yvan,
>> I would say yes, definitely, to both parts of question 1, both input and
>> output capabilities would be useful.
>> A normal workflow might go something like this:
>> - record A-format (direct mic signals) in the field
>> - Main project:
>>   + read the field recording in its native format, multi-mono, etc.
>>   + edit into tracks, do heads and tails, assemble tracks into a whole
>>   + apply some kinds of processing either surround, like rotate, or not
>> like EQ
>>   + possibly mix in other material via ambisonic panners
>>   + render to a master B-Format track, to be stored in an .amb file
>> - Decoding project:
>>   + read the .amb file from the main project
>>   + decode to the delivery format(s) like stereo or 5.1
>>   + repeat for other delivery formats
>> If everything is in the same workstation, like Nuendo, then it doesn't
>> really matter if the intermediate storage is a single .amb file, multiple
>> mono .wav files, etc.  However, if we use .amb then we can play that file
>> in other software in more predictable ways, for example my VVMic will
>> switch out of A-Format mode if it detects the GUID on input.  It will also
>> write the GUID if set to B-Format output.
>> In Nuendo, on input files it might be nice to tell the user that the GUID
>> was detected, but it's probably not important as long as Nuendo will go
>> ahead and use what is also a pretty normal multi-channel .wav file.  I
>> believe this works fine today, though putting .amb in the extensions list
>> would be a nice touch.
>> On output, unless Nuendo were modified to have B-Format be a bus type or
>> something like that, then I can't see how you would automatically detect
>> that the output was supposed to be B-Format. There could be some kind of
>> option in the render dialogs to allow the user to say that they want the
>> GUID included or include it if the user names the file with the .amb
>> extension.   Might also need logic to only include it for multi-channel
>> files.
>> Question 2:  Yes there are some VST's that do B-Format panning and work
>> in Nuendo, in particular I have used Bruce's and the Swiss Center B-Pan.
>> David McGriffy
>> vvaudio.com
>>  On 10/2/2013 5:11 AM, Yvan Grabit wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> 1)
>>> i want to known if it makes sense for an application like Nuendo
>>> (Steinberg) :
>>> - to import directly (without decoding) AMB (Ambisonic) Files (described
>>> in 
>>> http://dream.cs.bath.ac.uk/**researchdev/wave-ex/bformat.**html<http://dream.cs.bath.ac.uk/researchdev/wave-ex/bformat.html>
>>> )
>>> - to allow to export them directly (no Encoding)
>>> This means that the Nuendo file selector will display as readable file,
>>> files with extension ".amb"
>>> and the same for export ".amb" is selectable as format.
>>> It would be great if it makes sense to have some use cases...
>>> 2) are there some Ambisonic plugins which could be use as Panners in
>>> Nuendo ?
>>> Thanks a lot for your time
>>> YVan
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**++++
>>> Yvan Grabit                              mailto:y.gra...@steinberg.de
>>> Technical Manager - Technology Group     Phone: +49-40-21035125
>>> Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH        Fax  : +49-40-21035300
>>> Frankenstr. 18 b ,    D-20004 Hamburg/Germany
>>>                                           http://www.steinberg.net
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**++++
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, Frankenstrasse 18b, D-20097 Hamburg,
>>> Germany
>>> Phone: +49 (40) 21035-0 | Fax: +49 (40) 21035-300 | www.steinberg.net
>>> Managing Director: Andreas Stelling, Kazunori Kobayashi
>>> Registration Court: Hamburg HRB 86534
>>>   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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> 07580951119
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