
I would say yes, definitely, to both parts of question 1, both input and output capabilities would be useful.

A normal workflow might go something like this:
- record A-format (direct mic signals) in the field
- Main project:
  + read the field recording in its native format, multi-mono, etc.
  + edit into tracks, do heads and tails, assemble tracks into a whole
+ apply some kinds of processing either surround, like rotate, or not like EQ
  + possibly mix in other material via ambisonic panners
  + render to a master B-Format track, to be stored in an .amb file
- Decoding project:
  + read the .amb file from the main project
  + decode to the delivery format(s) like stereo or 5.1
  + repeat for other delivery formats

If everything is in the same workstation, like Nuendo, then it doesn't really matter if the intermediate storage is a single .amb file, multiple mono .wav files, etc. However, if we use .amb then we can play that file in other software in more predictable ways, for example my VVMic will switch out of A-Format mode if it detects the GUID on input. It will also write the GUID if set to B-Format output.

In Nuendo, on input files it might be nice to tell the user that the GUID was detected, but it's probably not important as long as Nuendo will go ahead and use what is also a pretty normal multi-channel .wav file. I believe this works fine today, though putting .amb in the extensions list would be a nice touch.

On output, unless Nuendo were modified to have B-Format be a bus type or something like that, then I can't see how you would automatically detect that the output was supposed to be B-Format. There could be some kind of option in the render dialogs to allow the user to say that they want the GUID included or include it if the user names the file with the .amb extension. Might also need logic to only include it for multi-channel files.

Question 2: Yes there are some VST's that do B-Format panning and work in Nuendo, in particular I have used Bruce's and the Swiss Center B-Pan.

David McGriffy

 On 10/2/2013 5:11 AM, Yvan Grabit wrote:

i want to known if it makes sense for an application like Nuendo (Steinberg) :
- to import directly (without decoding) AMB (Ambisonic) Files (described in 
- to allow to export them directly (no Encoding)

This means that the Nuendo file selector will display as readable file, files with 
extension ".amb"
and the same for export ".amb" is selectable as format.

It would be great if it makes sense to have some use cases...

2) are there some Ambisonic plugins which could be use as Panners in Nuendo ?

Thanks a lot for your time


Yvan Grabit                              mailto:y.gra...@steinberg.de
Technical Manager - Technology Group     Phone: +49-40-21035125
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH        Fax  : +49-40-21035300
Frankenstr. 18 b ,    D-20004 Hamburg/Germany
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Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, Frankenstrasse 18b, D-20097 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (40) 21035-0 | Fax: +49 (40) 21035-300 | www.steinberg.net
Managing Director: Andreas Stelling, Kazunori Kobayashi
Registration Court: Hamburg HRB 86534
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