hi yvan,
On 10/02/2013 12:11 PM, Yvan Grabit wrote:
i want to known if it makes sense for an application like Nuendo (Steinberg) :
- to import directly (without decoding) AMB (Ambisonic) Files (described in
- to allow to export them directly (no Encoding)
conditional "yes" to both. if your users know what they are doing, then
it is certainly convenient to be able to import and export .amb files
without an extra conversion step.
enabling import for .amb files shouldn't be controversial i guess, but
if you make it a GUI option for export without any comment or warning,
then i guess some users will be mislead that nuendo is going to
magically convert their stuff into a valid ambi file.
if you have some sort of track-naming magic on import (such as adding
"-L" and "-R" suffixes to the track labels for stereo files), can i
suggest you add "W", "X", "Y", and "Z" to tracks coming from an .amb file?
This means that the Nuendo file selector will display as readable file, files with
extension ".amb"
and the same for export ".amb" is selectable as format.
do you have any protection in that workflow to keep users from producing
meaningless output? a popup informing the user that s/he has to make
sure the master is actually carrying an ambisonic signal in the right
channel order should do...
It would be great if it makes sense to have some use cases...
there are always usecases :)
i can send you a few if you're interested.
while you're at it, you might want to consider supporting higher-order
.amb if the maximum master bus width in nuendo allows it. i guess nine
channels (second order) should be no problem, and if you can do 16
without jumping through flaming hoops, offer third order as well.
2) are there some Ambisonic plugins which could be use as Panners in Nuendo ?
daniel courville has an extensive set of plugins at
he may still be lurking on this list and maybe he can chime in,
otherwise write to me off-list and i can put you in contact.
the plugins are a bit weird in the way they are automated (last time i
looked, it was x/y coordinates of the panner position in the GUI), and
the way they model distance is not too useful, but they should get you
there are a number of panner implementations under open licenses for the
simple yet effective LADSPA format, which you could easily adapt to your
needs, if dealing with the GPL is possible in your company framework.
hope that helps,
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT
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