The article as I originally wrote it wasn't intended to be anti-SpamAssassin, but I'd still have to say that even if the performance at catching spam and false positives were comparable to the other packages, installation, management, the user experience and reporting are not comparable to the other packages reviewed. Unless you're an experienced Linux systems administrator, Spam Asssassin is much more difficult to install and configure than the other packages, and the focus of the article was general anti-spam technologies, rather than Linux-based packages.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but SA is a component, a core technology but not a complete solution. As components go (compared to, say, sendmail or BIND), it's fairly straightforward to install, especially on RPM-based systems. Use your favorite GUI-based RPM manager to install it.
Like many other components, SA lacks a UI. Various 3rd parties (CanIt, NAI SpamKiller) put a nice, friendly wrapper around SA but many users roll their own integration, using "glue" like procmail and MIMEDefang to hook it up to their delivery systems. Others have put together web-based configuration systems using MySQL and PHP.
Unless your intent was to compare core spam-fighting technology (in which case UI, installation, and reporting would be irrelevant), it would probably have been a more useful review to compare one of the commercial wrappers that use SA technology rather than looking at "raw" SA.
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