While I do consider myself pretty technical, after reading the article I 
don't think it is fair to spamassassin, but I dont think it was libelous 
as one person suggested. 
I was able to get SA installed in less than 1 hour. I downloaded the tarball,
installed it, created a .procmailrc file to add the call to spamassassin
and started having SPAM filtered. It took me more time to figure out how 
to have the SPAM moved to specific folders of my various email clients 
(Eudora, Agent, Outlook Express) than it did to install SA itself. I ran 
with this for a few weeks and was not fully happy because some spam got
through. My next step was to investigate the 'Bayesian' filtering which is when I had 
to dig a little 
deeper and figure out how I could train the filters - this was tougher 
when using a linux server and windows clients with POP protocol (Imap might 
have been easier but not all my email clients support that).

I do take exception to Mr Harbaugh saying "Unless you are an 
experienced Linux systems administrator...". Well hell, I certainly want 
the person implementing my mail server to be experienced in the platform 
they are working on - be it windows or linux.
I do agree that is was unfair to use the default package that came with 
RedHat. This would be like me pointing out how many security holes were in 
Internet Explorer and not having visited the Windows Update site before 
writing the review.

I think the online support of people on the mailing lists gives this tool 
an advantage over their commercial counterparts. When I'm having a problem 
that I cannot solve, I like being able to search the mailing list archive 
and if I dont find an answer get help from the group here. 
Trying to navigate through telephone support and 
the usual "tier one" support personnel is a waste of my time and money.

I think the bottom line here is this: Infoworld caters to the large IT 
shops who for whatever reason see things differently than a lot of smaller 
shops. With some time invested, Spamassassin 2.60 makes spam 
filtering available to a group of users who otherwise couldn't afford it. 
Hopefully with the recent passage of the CAN-SPAM bill we will be able to 
replace all these filtering systems by going back to the simple "if first 
4 letters of SUBJ is ADV:" throw away.

On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Logan Harbaugh wrote:

> I don't have control over how articles are edited. As it was, there were six
> software packages in the original test, and they pulled one out because
> there wasn't as much room as they'd originally thought.
> The article as I originally wrote it wasn't intended to be
> anti-SpamAssassin, but I'd still have to say that even if the performance at
> catching spam and false positives were comparable to the other packages,
> installation, management, the user experience and reporting are not
> comparable to the other packages reviewed.  Unless you're an experienced
> Linux systems administrator, Spam Asssassin is much more difficult to
> install and configure than the other packages, and the focus of the article
> was general anti-spam technologies, rather than Linux-based packages.
> Thanks,
> Logan G. Harbaugh
> 530 222-1164
> 693 Reddington Drive
> Redding, CA 96003
> www.lharba.com

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