On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 02:59:58PM -0400, Charles Gregory wrote:
> > And now that I look at it, that particular file is my local.cf that I
> > didn't want over-written! So does this mean it aborts, is half way done,
> > or WHAT? Have I just munched my Spamassassin 2.44? Could someone please
> > post COMPLETE directions for updating my Red Hat 9 SA 2.44 RPM to 2.60 as
> > sson as possible, thanks!
> Dude.  Get a grip.

Sorry. Not trying to get on anyone's case. My "grip" is on documentation
and instructions that *should* represent how the software will work.

The docs say that 'local.cf' will not be affected by updates - it's the
"safe" place to put your local rules. Those error messages would seem to
suggest that is not quite true.

The quick 'three lines of code' I tired to use made no reference to the
'perl-Mail-SpamAssassin' rpm, and did not perform as expected, even though
they were posted in direct response to a question in the RH9 environment.

It appears that the rpm program was smart enough not to make any changes
when it encountered the file conflicts, but its a 'non-grip' moment (grin)
when you see all those messages crawl by.... :-)

> #2, upgrading from non-official RPMs to official RPMs should work, but ymmv.

"ymmv" - not familiar with that one..... 

> rpm -Uvh spamassassin-2.60* perl-Mail-SpamAssasin-2.60*

That's the command that caused all the conflicts with the old RPM.

> That should, theoretically, get rid of the 2.44 install and upgrade you

I think the problem is that files under the old spamassassin-2.44 are now
handled separately by the 'perl-Mail-SpamAssassin' package, and so it
doesn't recognize the 'upgrade' because of the different name....
If anyone knows, why was the package 'split' like that? Or did Red Hat
combine two packages together for their RH9 disty?

> If you wanted to be sure, blow away the 2.44 install first
> (rpm -e spamassassin), then run the above.

Yeah, I think I'll go that route. Thanks.

- Charles

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