On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 02:59:58PM -0400, Charles Gregory wrote:
> And now that I look at it, that particular file is my local.cf that I
> didn't want over-written! So does this mean it aborts, is half way done,
> or WHAT? Have I just munched my Spamassassin 2.44? Could someone please
> post COMPLETE directions for updating my Red Hat 9 SA 2.44 RPM to 2.60 as
> sson as possible, thanks!

Dude.  Get a grip.

#1, always make a backup.
#2, upgrading from non-official RPMs to official RPMs should work, but ymmv.

rpm -Uvh spamassassin-2.60* perl-Mail-SpamAssasin-2.60*

That should, theoretically, get rid of the 2.44 install and upgrade you
to 2.60.  If you wanted to be sure, blow away the 2.44 install first
(rpm -e spamassassin), then run the above.

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