Excuse me, but WHY do people post 'easy' instructions like the following
and leave out whatever steps are needed to make them work? I just tried

   wget http://spamassassin.org/released/RPMs/spamassassin-2.60-1.src.rpm
   rpmbuild --rebuild spamassassin-2.60-1.src.rpm
   rpm -Uvh spamassassin-2.60-1.i386.rpm  # or whatever the resulting name

And it insisted I install 'mail-Perl-SpamAssassin-2.60-1.i386.rpm' first,
and when I do that I get a bunch of messages like:

         file /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf from install of
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-2.60-1 conflicts with file from package

And now that I look at it, that particular file is my local.cf that I
didn't want over-written! So does this mean it aborts, is half way done,
or WHAT? Have I just munched my Spamassassin 2.44? Could someone please
post COMPLETE directions for updating my Red Hat 9 SA 2.44 RPM to 2.60 as
sson as possible, thanks!

- Charles

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