At 21:06 3/08/2003 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
Simon Byrnand wrote:
> Why would anyone submit the SA list to DCC ? The only people receiving the
> SA list should be people who subscribed to it, and would have no reason to
> go submitting it to DCC, so I don't follow your reasoning...

I don't know how to make this sound less quib than just by saying that
it is not.  Please review the DCC documentation.  I feel confident
that you have not read it because you could not have missed reading
this there.  DCC is not about spam.  It is about bulk mail.

I think you're missing my point. I never said DCC wasn't about bulk mail.

However I question your premise that anyone would *knowingly* submit a mailing list that they *deliberately* subscribed to, to a bulk detector like DCC. If they did, they're just being plain stupid, policies of DCC about accepting such submissions notwithstanding.

It's one thing to get newsletters from somewhere like Real Networks which, techincally speaking you did opt into (by not choosing to opt out in the fine print) and then submitting them to DCC, because generally speaking, such "newsletters" can be very hard to get off.

But theres no excuse to submit a mailing list which you can easily unsubscribe from, and which you had to go out of your way to sign up to before receiving it.

And I repeat my point - have you seen any non-spam messages on the SA list flagged by DCC ? I havn't...(not that I've examined EVERY message through the list, but I did look back through the last 50 or so)


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