At 11:57 3/08/2003 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
Please, one posting of the same message is enough.

Michael W. Cocke wrote:
> Has anyone who uses DCC had problems with it stopping this mailing
> list?

DCC does not stop any mail.  It only lists email which other people
received thereby rendering a ruling on the "bulk" aspect of it.  All
you know is that someone else got the message.  You don't know
anything about the "spam" aspect of it.

This mailing list is widely distributed.  I fully expect all messages
to it to be in the DCC database.  It is "bulk" email.  That is normal
and expected.

To date, I have never seen any DCC_CHECK matches on messages passing through the SA mailing list that weren't actually forwarded copies of real spam.

Why would anyone submit the SA list to DCC ? The only people receiving the SA list should be people who subscribed to it, and would have no reason to go submitting it to DCC, so I don't follow your reasoning...


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