Later.  Nice knowing ya!

On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
*ian douglas wrote:
*>>a friend blocked all mail from france as a joke once, cos he didn't
*>>like the french and didn't know anyone there
*>>cut down on spam by 95%
*> I block a lot of Asia Pacific, some European countries, etc., at a firewall
*> level on port 25 because I don't know anybody there either and the mail
*> coming in to my server is just for me anyhow. It eliminated almost all spam
*> at the time.
*I just put you on my blacklist. I'm considering blacklisting all .us
*addresses. Better safe than sorry. I've already blacklisted all along
*with .kr, .cn, .biz, .org, .com, .net and .edu. I only ever get spam
*from them anyway. It eliminates almost all spam at this time ;)
*Tony Earnshaw
*Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages.
*I wonder why ...
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