On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 19:19:32 -0400, you wrote:

>Yes.  Speakeasy are the most sweet, lovely and clueful people ever to do the
>ISP thang.  They dole out static IPs (and even, as I discovered to my
>delight last week, let you set your own reverse DNS on them), encourage
>sharing your wireless access, and have a Terms of Service that says "run
>whatever OS and services you like.  Just don't hack or spam, OK?"
>I'd recommend them without a second thought.

I wholeheartedly agree.  And since it wasn't mentioned nearly loudly enough,
Speakeasy's mail filtering is anything BUT mandatory.  They have an easy way to
enable or disable it right on their website (in your account management), or
they'll do it for you over the phone.

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