> -----Original Message----- > From: Jack Gostl > Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 5:11 AM > > You didn't think there was a person at the other end of the > > subscribe/unsubscribe interface who manually processed things > did you ? :) > > No... but if you aren't going to qualify people who come onto the list, > then what's the difference between an open list and a closed list? I > assumed it was something like Majordomo where at the very least you want > to have a moderator approve new subscriptions. > > I've never seen much point to closed lists with tons of memeber. >
In your definition, a "closed list" is one that requires subscriptions in order to post? My definition of a closed list is one where the list owner (a person, or a group of people) has to approve membership, only members can post, and often the archives are for members only. This might reuire the prospective member to fill out a form, verifying his interest and intent to join the list. I think a "subscribers only" list, which allows only subscribers to post messages is a good idea. It won't keep all the spammers and angry users away, but it will stave off many of them by incearsing the barrier to entry. Maybe they'd even have to answer "yes" to a two line sentence describing the purpose of the list. Still, even in its present form, the SA list manages to stay on-topic and relatively free of spam and flames. I think it would be interesting to place SA ahead of many/most mailing lists, on the submittal side, and have it bounce messages into a moderator's mail box if they look like spam. Additional score weightings could be added to taste (SHOUTING and prof*nity.) Hopefully, this wouldn't overly increase the admin. load on the moderator/owner, but would improve the list's content. (I'm on some GNU-related development lists that sometimes have more spam [GNU utils, Glibc come to mind] than on-topic content. Of course, filtering SA submittals is problematic, but since folks aren't supposed to post literal copies of spam on this list anyway, bouncing those to the moderator/owner for a quick perusal wouldn't be so bad anyway (assuming the moderator was willing). ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: eBay Get office equipment for less on eBay! http://adfarm.mediaplex.com/ad/ck/711-11697-6916-5 _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk