> Hi Keoki -
> You should probably talk to your system administrator or your ISP,
> whomever
> handles your e-mail service.  The mailing list you sent your message to is
> for people who use and develop SpamAssassin.  There is little chance that
> anyone on this list has anything to do with your e-mail service.

Oh dear,

Here we go again...... (I'm not singling you out BTW Thomas, but everyone
replying to this message, and people who reply to messages like this :)

Almost every single time someone posts a message like this, we get half a
dozen people reply, and the original poster NEVER replies back to the list
again, and some people seem puzzled about this... Anyone ever wonder why
it happens ?

As I see it, there are two reasons - the first is that they're really a
spammer, or someone who sends spam-like material and they're venting their
frustrations at the list. Naturally they're not going to reply again.

The other reason is that they're someone who has got to the tag page,
ignored everything said on it (about contacting your ISP blah blah) and
deliberately gone out of their way to find the address of the mailing
list, (which you can find on the "lists" link) and posted a message to the
list *WITHOUT SUBSCRIBING TO IT* this means that even if they wanted to
hear any replies they wouldn't get them, except from those who CC all when
replying, and then they're likely to reply just to that person and not the
list in general...so we never hear about any successful contact with these

As far as I know this is an open list that allows non-subscribers to post
to it. BIG MISTAKE for a list of this nature IMHO. If the list were made
"subscriber posting only" then a number of things would happen:

* The actual spam that comes directly to the list address (as opposed to
snippets that list members send) would be eliminated, or at least very
severely curtailed. (Unless the spammers started using the from address of
list members....but they'd have to special case their software just for us
to do that :)

* You'd see an almost total lack of the kind of message that started this
thread - if they blindly sent a rant to the list without subscribing
first, it wouldn't go onto the list.... if they DID subscribe, they'd at
least get the replies...

What do others think ? Sure, there can be some hassles with posting to
subscriber only lists (posting from a different address etc) but there
seems to be an awful lot of time and messages wasted on what is a VERY
busy mailing list in just replying to people who 9 times out of 10 are
just here to yank our chain, or are too ignorant to read the tag page and
digest it, and want to vent their frustrations anyway.


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