sure he can complain to his isp, but...

i am amazed that, in this day and age, software developers will not
listen to usability complaints for what they are (referring to the 
several replies to this note already posted on this list).

it would suggest, or you could infer, that the default installation
parameters, which involve making suspected spam into attachments to
marginally readable reports about the reasoning of a program may be an
unpopular choice or wrongheaded.

sometimes "improvements" with little user testing are not so.

i would prefer more compatibility between dot versions, with optional
behavior controlled by flags which are *not* the default.

treat user feedback as valuable information, please.

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 11:54:29AM -0600, Mike Anderson wrote:
> Because of you I am changing ISP's.  There is no such thing as a
> whitelist that works.  Even if I receive valid mail and you have
> targeted it as spam I cannot read it because you control freaks have
> altered the e-mail.  Anyone else having similar problems?  Why not let
> us have control of what happens at the PC level as opposed to the
> network level?
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