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On Sunday 30 June 2002 08:29 am, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> From what I saw in your message, you're missing the
> Time::HighRes module. Blame Theo's RPM for that, not
> SpamAssassin.  The RPM should have caught that dependency.

Time::HiRes is not required. All that needs to be done is to 
comment out the line that requires it in the SpamAssassin.pm 
file. I built an RPM of 2.31 from a slightly modified version 
of the .spec file from CVS. When I did, I ran into the same 
problem. I fixed it by simply running sed on SpamAssassin.pm 
after the RPM install.

I'll probably have a look at things later today and create a 
patch (and updated .spec file) to allow you to build an RPM 
without that Time::HiRes problem.

NOTE: It would not be possible for the RPM to lay a dependency 
on Time::HiRes. This is because, to my knowledge (after 
searching on rpmfind.net) there is no Time::HiRes RPM. Yes, I 
know, you could hang a dependency on a particular file, but 
that would be ugly, and defeats the purpose of the package 
manager. (Why use the package manager when you have to install 
Time::HiRes from source. Then you could just as well use CPAN 
and install all of SA.)

- -- 
Richie Laager
Wikstrom Telecom Internet
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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