On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 10:37:49PM -0600, Randy Cassingham wrote: | At 08:30 PM 6/29/2002 -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson said: | | >| >That is surely a PATH problem. If you use an absolute path to SA in | >| >the procmailrc does it work then? | >| | >| Yes, | > | >Yes it works? If it works, then ...? | | THEN I have to get frigging SA to install correctly,
Ahh, ok. So the first solution is to use an absolute path in the procmailrc, or add the appropriate directories to the PATH variable at the top of it. | # spamassassin -v | Can't locate Time/HiRes.pm You can either install that module (don't ask me how -- Duncan's .deb packages work great) or comment out the lines (in SA) that include that module. I think there is only 1 or 2 such lines, and others on this list have said it isn't really needed (just convenient). | >| but the virtual domains apparently don't have permission to get that | >| far up the directory path (or something like that -- as mentioned, | >| I'm still a bit of a nix-newbie...). | > | >Does sendmail run those deliveries in a chroot jail? | | I'm not up to speed yet on chroot, but I recall something about chown(?) | in the docs, which I suspect is related; perhaps that answers the | question.... No, but the above answer about the absolute path does. It's not chrooted. chroot (CHange ROOT) means taking a certain directory and making the program think that is '/' (root). When a program is run in a chroot jail, it can't access anything outside of the chroot directory because anything outside of it is not in the filesystem. Since you can access the file via an absolute path, it shows that the problem was merely a PATH one, not a matter of chroot. chown is completely different. It is a command to change the owner of a file. | >I'll try and help you figure out what you have, but it sounds like you | >have a much more complicated setup than I choose to create using exim | >(if I did virtual domains). | | Interestingly, I've found VERY little about the Ensim front end and how I've never heard of Ensim before. | (say) to make procmail work across all domains (which I could then | extrapolate to SA), even though it seems *reasonably* popular (about as | popular as Plesk). You'd think there would be more postings on it I I've never heard os Plesk either. | could find on google, but no. I guess the easily intimidated don't try | to do anything like this, and the gurus wouldn't bother with a front end | for their unix boxes.... Probably. My configuration "front end" is called 'vim' :-). | Anyway, I'll get back to SA later; I've got a bunch of domains to move! Well, now your problems and the corresponding solutions have been identified. All you have left to do is implement them. HAND, -D -- Micros~1 : For when quality, reliability and security just aren't that important! http://dman.ddts.net/~dman/
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