> -- I just don't have time to fuss with this kind of stuff, which takes a
> LONG time for me as a newbie to deal with, so I just ripped SA out and am
> going with what I know works: my own procmail recipes.  They only get
> 70-75% of the spam (which means a dozen or two get through), but it's
> better than nothing.

Actually SA is pretty damned easy for a newbie to install.  Don't use RPMs.  
Use what any god-feari  ng Perl user would use: CPAN.

perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Mail::SpamAssassin

If you've never used CPAN before you'll have to go through a bazillion 
questions (all of which have sane defaults) and then specify a few sites (out 
of a large list based on country) from where to get CPAN modules.

When you use CPAN, it's smart enough to see what's on your current Perl 
installation and suggest what should be.  Then when you go to install a 
module it will ask you if you want it to automatically get and install 
dependencies too.  *very* slick.

>From what I saw in your message, you're missing the Time::HighRes module.  
Blame Theo's RPM for that, not SpamAssassin.  The RPM should have caught that 

I can feel for you (being under the gun to get something moved over) and I've 
often made the same mistake (leaving a couple hours to get something done and 
running into a problem requiring many more hours to fix) but it's not SA's 

I know you're not running qmail+vpopmail which is what I use with virtual 
domains but general instructions would be to pipe the message though procmail 
somewhere in sendmail's message path.  I believe there are several places in 
sendmail to do this.  

In qmail you can use a .qmail file which instructs the MTA to do something 
with your mail coming in.  In there you'd pipe your mail though procmail like 

| preline procmail -p -m /etc/procmailrc

and from in your procmail script you'd deliver to the user.  I don't think 
it'd be all that different from sendmail, but I'm not sure.  At any rate once 
you have procmail in the path you use it to call SA as a filter:

$ cat /etc/procmailrc

| /usr/local/bin/spamc -u $EXT -f


# deliver only spam to the spam hold directory
* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES

# deliver everything else normally
| vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

Of course yours will look a little different, as I'm pretty sure sendmail 
doesn't use maildirs and vdelivermail is vpopmail's program for delivering 
mail to a virtual user.  the -u $EXT part in spamc just tells SA which user 
the message is for so it can grab any user-specific preferences.  You don't 
need that to start out with SA.  :-)


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