On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 06:22:47PM -0600, Randy Cassingham wrote:
| At 07:13 PM 6/29/2002 -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson said:
| >What MTA are you using?  It is most likely a problem with its config.
| >Do virtual domains get delivered via procmail?
| It's sendmail with procmail installed.  The virtual domains' mail is
| processed via virtualdomain/etc/procmail -- NOT /etc/procmail

Well, then that's why it is ignoring /etc/procmail :-).  One scaleable
solution, if you want the same procmailrc for each domain, is to use
hard links ('man ln').

| >A simple solution is to use sa-exim.  It scans mail before it is even
| >accepted and tried to be delivered locally.
| I like what I read, thanks.

You're welcome.

| It's a bit complex for me at the moment, but I'll subscribe to that
| discussion list and start the learning curve.

The only "difficult" part about installing it is configuring exim.
Compared to [what I hear about] sendmail's config files it is a walk
in the park.  (exim really is easy to configure)  However, there
aren't any semi-magic tools to do the job for you.
| >| Calling SA from virtualsite/etc/procmail doesn't work since apparently the
| >| virtual site cannot access root-owned programs.  (procmail IS used, but the
| >| log shows an error -- the log shows:
| >|    spamassassin: spamassassin: No such file or directory
| >                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| >That is surely a PATH problem.  If you use an absolute path to SA in
| >the procmailrc does it work then?
| Yes,

Yes it works?  If it works, then ...?

| but the virtual domains apparently don't have permission to get that
| far up the directory path (or something like that -- as mentioned,
| I'm still a bit of a nix-newbie...).

Does sendmail run those deliveries in a chroot jail?  If so, you could
"install" (just a hard link) spamc in each of the virtual
sites' chroot and use spamd from the "real" system.  You'll get better
performance using spamc/spamd anyways.

I'll try and help you figure out what you have, but it sounds like you
have a much more complicated setup than I choose to create using exim
(if I did virtual domains).



A violent man entices his neighbor
and leads him down a path that is not good.
        Proverbs 16:29

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