On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

> When you use CPAN, it's smart enough to see what's on your current Perl 
> installation and suggest what should be.  Then when you go to install a 
> module it will ask you if you want it to automatically get and install 
> dependencies too.  *very* slick.

I would also recommend using CPAN, but with a warning;  It tends to want
to install the latest version of Perl, which, if you're trying to maintain
sanity on a package-based system like Debian, RedHat, Mandrake, etc. can
be problematic.

CPAN doesn't seem to have the notion of "install the latest version of
this package that works with the installed version of perl", rather it
installs whatever version of perl is needed for the latest version of the
package.  If you don't want to upgrade perl, you often have to go hunting
on search.cpan.org to find the right version of the package before you
attempt to install it.

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