On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 05:46:01PM -0400, Jeff wrote:
> This was working before I updated RH 7.2 with the new errata for glibc
> Here is a test with both using the sample on the command line....note the
> lack of SPAM in the output of the first one.....just returns without
> tagging.
> [root@the-techy spamassassin-2.11]# cat sample-spam.txt | /usr/bin/spamc |
> grep SPAM
> [root@the-techy spamassassin-2.11]# cat sample-spam.txt |
> /usr/bin/spamassassin -P | grep SPAM
> Subject: *****SPAM***** Home Based Business for Grownups
> Here we even have a little action from the spamd on localhost but no usual
> entry in the syslog for clean message or identified spam. I used to get this
> when you updated perl with CPAN instead of the RH rpms but this was working
> with 5.6.1. Please take note that this behavior has happened since the glibc
> update. I am not sure of the other install that I originally replied to but
> he did say all updates and these libraries were just made available
> yesterday.
> Is there any way to debug this?

A good first step would probably be to strace spamc and see what it's
doing...that should tell you if the problem is in spamc or spamd. If
the problem lies in spamd, you'll need to debug spamd (likely once
again with strace and/or the perl debugger).

Elie Rosenblum                 That is not dead which can eternal lie,
http://www.cosanostra.net   And with strange aeons even death may die.
Admin / Mercenary / System Programmer             - _The Necronomicon_

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