On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 08:35:38 +0700 (ICT)
"Olivier Nicole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But for many CEO's who have been in business all their life, something
> you are not paying for has no value. And the more you are paying, the
> best it is supposed to be.

Sad but true. If it cost money it MUST be good because noone would ever
charge for something that's not good, right? The truly amazing thing is
that they still dont get it, after all those years and all those failed
This attidude is probably the major reasons there is so much utter crap
commercial software available. Heck, it's the lifeblood of many corporations
who wouldnt even be in business if people actually thought before they
decided on what to use.
Reminds me of a project for the government we might be doing. They dont know
what they want, they dont know what they need, they dont know how to do it, 
but hey, at least they bought some expensive (and overkill) Cisco and Dell gear.
And they're "pretty sure we want to use MS SQL Server". I love it when
non-technical people decide to make technical decisions.

Lars Hansson
Universal Joint Network Technologies, Inc
16/F Equitable Bank Tower, 8751 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, Philippines
PGP Key http://www.unet.net.ph/~lars/pubkey.asc

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