On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, Rick Smith wrote:
> How long do you think it will be until users of SA face the same
> consequences as the now infamous ORBZ case ?
> I'm sure that some lawyer out there could find a way to sue someone
> for running this package.

Absolutely. The American legal systems seems to be predicate on the
ability to sue anyone for anything if it seems vaguely offensive to you,
for very loose values of offensive.

Until HotMail and AOL cease to provide SPAM filters on their service I
wouldn't be substantially worried, however, so long as you provide users
a way to "opt-out"[1], since that's *more* access to "free" speech[2]
than somewhere above thirty million Americans get. :)


[1]  ...or are a company and can blame management or policy.

[2]  Which isn't actually relevant in this, IMO.

We dance to the sound of sirens.
We watch genocide to relax. 
We dance to the sound of sirens. 
We are the heroes of self-deception.
        -- Covenant, _Theremin_

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