On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 08:35:38AM +0700, Olivier Nicole wrote:
> >Plus, when we looked at it for our ISP customers, it would have been about
> >$30k/year.  For that kind of money, you could hire someone to block spam!
> I think, that we have a biased vision here. Because we are all coming
> from open source world, we see/trust/think open source first.
> But for many CEO's who have been in business all their life, something
> you are not paying for has no value. And the more you are paying, the
> best it is supposed to be.
> OK I am a bit extreme saying that, but it is part of the truth.

It's true though. But you must remember, the best things in life are free.

I'm thinking of writing to my ISP (a fairly large corporation) suggesting
that they install spamassassin. For most users, I think spam is currently
not a major issue, since we recently had to change domain names (4 months
ago - with the @Home bankruptcy)

I'm just sure they are going to give me the standard response.

Duncan Findlay

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