On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Charlie Watts wrote: > On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Smith, Rick wrote: > > > Has anyone ever considered setting up a CVS site for the RULES only ? > > > > That might be worth it... a CVS update with a script that allowed us to > > rollback to a previous rule level, but all the while maintaining the > > newest set of rules for the whole kit-n-kaboodle of spam/mers > > Lots of times the rules use eval checks. This could be easily avoided. > > And sometimes rules move between regex and eval. That's a little bit > harder.
Understandably it would take some forward thinking to package evals and rules in a way that they could be distributed separately from spamassassin, but to me this makes the most sense.. I was thinking about this earlier this week.. As spamassassin evolves, rules will need to be updated regularly (weekly?), but I think forcing a recompile and reinstall of spamc/spamd every time rules change is silly.. It would make more sense to me to work sort of like anti-virus software where you download a weekly "spam definition file" or whatever and install that to get the latest and greatest rules. Then spamc/spamd updates can be handled on a much slower timeframe (in theory they wouldn't change that much). I understand I'm not a developer, so I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to "push" the project anywhere without contributing, but from an end user standpoint a daily/weekly/monthly "spam definition file" makes much more sense than a cvs checkout, compile, reinstall, and pray-nothing-breaks cycle. Shayne _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk