Well, one issue is that rules are sometimes evals, with corresponding
updates to Mail::Spamassassin::EvalTests

You can basically do a limited CVS checkout of just the rules and
EvalTests today if you want -- cvs is very flexible that way.  Or you
could checkout the whole thing, and then only install the rules and
EvalTests files.

But then again, sometimes stuff like AWL gets changed, and you have
other dependencies too.  Plus, frequently we'll add experimental rules
to CVS which don't necessarily make it into the releases without
changes.  I think it would be tricky to maintain both the CVS devel
branch and a separate "latest greatest rules" branch.  Better would
probably be to just release SA versions more often.


On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 05:46, Smith, Rick wrote:
> Has anyone ever considered setting up a CVS site for the RULES only ?
> That might be worth it...  a CVS update with a script that allowed us to
> rollback to a previous rule level, but all the while maintaining the
> newest set of rules for the whole kit-n-kaboodle of spam/mers

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