Re: ISR differs between Kafka Metadata and Zookeeper

2014-09-19 Thread Joel Koshy
This may be due to On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 04:17:45PM -0400, Florian Weingarten wrote: > Hi list, > > I am trying to debug a strange issue we are seeing. We are using > "Sarama" [1], our own Go implementation of the Kafka API. > > Somehow, we eith

Offset manager movement (due to change in KAFKA-1469)

2014-09-22 Thread Joel Koshy
I just wanted to send this out as an FYI but it does not affect any released versions. This only affects those who release off trunk and use Kafka-based consumer offset management. KAFKA-1469 fixes an issue in our Utils.abs code. Since we use this method in determining the offset manager for a co

Re: Replay Strategies

2014-09-24 Thread Joel Koshy
The consumer iterator returns MessageAndMetadata which includes the offset. You would need logic in your application to check the offset if it needs to stop processing after a certain offset. On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:09:40PM -0600, Kyle Banker wrote: > What are the best ways to replay a portion

Re: Read a specific number of messages using kafka

2014-09-26 Thread Joel Koshy
You can use any offset you like to fetch (provided it is present on the broker). Since the client-side FetchRequest and the server-side Log API don't support reading a specific _number_ of messages you will need to specify the bytes (size) to read. You can then extract as many messages as you like

Re: BytesOutPerSec is more than BytesInPerSec.

2014-09-26 Thread Joel Koshy
Can you confirm that you are using a replication factor of two? As Steven said, the replicas also consume from the leader. So it's your consumer, plus the replica. On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 10:04:29PM -0700, ravi singh wrote: > Thanks Steven. That answers the difference in Bytes in and bytes Out pe

Re: Faster segment recovery after reboot - 0.8.1

2014-09-26 Thread Joel Koshy
Unfortunately, I think the only option (going forward) until you pick up KAFKA-1414 is to use a smaller segment size. On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 02:04:33AM -0400, Otis Gospodnetic wrote: > Hi, > > Just got a lovely email a bunch of our EC2 instances will be rebooted in a > few days. Some of them ru

Re: Automatic preferred replica election

2014-09-26 Thread Joel Koshy
I think there are some issues still open with it that are currently slated for 0.9 - e.g., KAFKA-1305. Would be great if someone can pick that up as it is a useful feature to include in 0.8.2 On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 06:06:14PM +0400, Yury Ruchin wrote: > Hello, > > A while back, I saw mentioning

Re: LeaderNotAvailableException, although leader elected

2014-09-26 Thread Joel Koshy
> > kafka2_1 | [2014-09-26 12:35:07,289] INFO [Kafka Server 2], > > started (kafka.server.KafkaServer) > > kafka2_1 | [2014-09-26 12:35:07,394] INFO New leader is 2 > > (kafka.server.ZookeeperLeaderElector$LeaderChangeListener) The above logs are for controller election. Not le

Re: create topic in multiple node kafka cluster

2014-10-09 Thread Joel Koshy
It looks like You set up three separate ZK clusters, not an ensemble. You can take a look at on how to set up an ensemble; and then register all three kafka brokers on that single zk ensemble. Joel On Thu, Oct 09, 2

Re: How to produce and consume events in 2 DCs?

2014-10-20 Thread Joel Koshy
This is another potential use-case for message metadata. i.e., if we had a DC/environment field in the header you could easily set up a two-way mirroring pipeline. The mirror-maker can just filter out messages that originated in the source cluster. For this to be efficient the mirror maker should r

Re: taking broker down and returning it does not restore cluster state (nor rebalance)

2014-10-20 Thread Joel Koshy
As Neha mentioned, with rep factor 2x, this shouldn't normally cause an issue. Taking the broker down will cause the leader to move to another replica; consumers and producers will rediscover the new leader; no rebalances should be triggered. When you bring the broker back up, unless you run a pr

Re: log.cleanup.interval.mins still valid for 0.8.1?

2014-10-20 Thread Joel Koshy
It has been replaced with: We will update the docs. Thanks for reporting this. Joel On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 11:08:38AM -0400, Libo Yu wrote: > > > In section 6.3, there is an example your production server

Re: partitions stealing & balancing consumer threads across servers

2014-10-29 Thread Joel Koshy
Shlomi, If you are on trunk, and your consumer subscriptions are identical then you can try a slightly different partition assignment strategy. Try setting partition.assignment.strategy="roundrobin" in your consumer config. Thanks, Joel On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 06:29:30PM -0700, Jun Rao wrote: >

Re: Kafka producer error

2014-10-30 Thread Joel Koshy
Do you see any errors on the broker logs? Can you check the broker's public access logs and see if there are topic metadata requests coming in from the producer? On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 07:15:15PM -0700, Rajiv Kurian wrote: > I don't see anything else that is relevant. I traced the first of these

Re: partitions stealing & balancing consumer threads across servers

2014-10-30 Thread Joel Koshy
threads request to join a consumer group they will be > elected so that they are balanced across the machine denoted by the > consumer set/ensemble identifier. > > will partition.assignment.strategy="roundrobin" help with that? > 10x, > Shlomi > > On Thu, Oct 30,

Re: Kafka producer error

2014-10-30 Thread Joel Koshy
andler-6] > > [state.change.logger ]: Broker 0 received invalid > > LeaderAndIsr request with correlation id 158 from controller 0 epoch 29083 > > with an older leader epoch 5 for partition [myTopic,1002], current leader > > epoch is > > > >

Re: SimpleConsumer fetching the last read offset

2014-10-30 Thread Joel Koshy
That is something that you will need to manage manually with the SimpleConsumer. You can store it in ZK (manually) or a file/database/other. You can also store it in Kafka if you send an OffsetCommitRequest (

Re: Kafka producer error

2014-10-30 Thread Joel Koshy
nt partition(MyStuff stuff, int numPartitions) { > > return thingy.decide(stuff); > > } > > } > > The problem is I don't know how to pass a MyDeciderThingy to my > Partitioner object given Kafka instantiates it. > > Thanks! > > On Thu, Oct 30,

Re: partitions stealing & balancing consumer threads across servers

2014-10-30 Thread Joel Koshy
f threads across 4 JVMs (the 4th > > JVM does not get any active consumption threads). What is best way to > > evenly (or close to even) distribute the consumption threads across JVMs. > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > Bhavesh > > > > On Thu, Oct 30, 20

Re: partitions stealing & balancing consumer threads across servers

2014-10-31 Thread Joel Koshy
In your instance if you have four JVMs (i.e., consumer processes), six threads per consumer process and 12 partitions, then each thread would only get one partition but the first two processes will get all the partitions and the last two processes would be idle. We could tweak the assignment strate

Re: MBeans, dashes, underscores, and KAFKA-1481

2014-10-31 Thread Joel Koshy
That sounds good, although is that the only change (sorry I have not done a careful review of that patch and would like to before it gets checked in). On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 10:42:13AM -0700, Jun Rao wrote: > To circle back on this thread. The patch in kafka-1482 is almost ready. To > make the mb

Re: Dynamically adding Kafka brokers

2014-11-03 Thread Joel Koshy
KAFKA-1070 will help with this and is pending a review. On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 05:03:20PM -0500, Otis Gospodnetic wrote: > Hi, > > How do people handle situations, and specifically the property, > where the Kafka (broker) cluster is not fully defined right away? > > Here's the use cas

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Kafka 0.8.2-beta Released

2014-11-03 Thread Joel Koshy
Yes there are some changes but will be checked-in prior to the full release: Joel On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 04:46:12PM -0500, Jason Rosenberg wrote: > Are there any config parameter updates/changes? I see the doc here: >

Re: queued.max.message.chunks impact and consumer tuning

2014-11-04 Thread Joel Koshy
We used to default to 10, but two should be sufficient. There is little reason to buffer more than that. If you increase it to 2000 you will most likely run into memory issues. E.g., if your fetch size is 1MB you would enqueue 1MB*2000 chunks in each queue. On Tue, Nov 04, 2014 at 09:05:44AM -0800

Re: Tuning replication

2014-11-04 Thread Joel Koshy
Ops-experts can share more details but here are some comments: > > * Does Kafka 'like' lots of small partitions for replication, or larger > ones? ie: if I'm passing 1Gbps into a topic, will replication be happier > if that's one partition, or many partitions? Since you also have to account for

Re: queued.max.message.chunks impact and consumer tuning

2014-11-04 Thread Joel Koshy
nd drain as > quickly as possible with auto commit on ? > > Thanks, > > Bhavesh > > On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > We used to default to 10, but two should be sufficient. There is > > little reason to buffer more than that. If you increa

Re: Programmatic Kafka version detection/extraction?

2014-11-12 Thread Joel Koshy
+1 on the JMX + gradle properties. Is there any (seamless) way of including the exact git hash? That would be extremely useful if users need help debugging and happen to be on an unreleased build (say, off trunk) On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 09:34:35AM -0800, Gwen Shapira wrote: > Actually, Jun suggest

Re: Offset manager movement (due to change in KAFKA-1469)

2014-11-14 Thread Joel Koshy
ed up KAFKA-1580 so the above worked for us. Thanks, Joel On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 03:36:46PM -0700, Joel Koshy wrote: > I just wanted to send this out as an FYI but it does not affect any > released versions. > > This only affects those who release off trunk and use Kafka-based

Re: partition auto-rebalance

2014-11-18 Thread Joel Koshy
The imbalance is measured wrt preferred leaders. i.e., for every partition, the first replica in the assigned replica list (as shown in the output of is called the preferred replica. On each broker, the auto-balancer counts the number of partitions led by that broker for which the

Re: Consumer and offset management support in 0.8.2 and 0.9

2014-11-18 Thread Joel Koshy
Inline.. On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 04:26:04AM -0500, Marius Bogoevici wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I have a few questions about the current status and future of the Kafka > consumers. > > We have been working to adding Kafka support in Spring XD [1], currently > using the high level consumer via S

Re: Consumer and offset management support in 0.8.2 and 0.9

2014-11-18 Thread Joel Koshy
gt; On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 2:55 PM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > Inline.. > > > > On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 04:26:04AM -0500, Marius Bogoevici wrote: > > > Hello everyone, > > > > > > I have a few questions about the current status and future of the Kafka >

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-02 Thread Joel Koshy
> makes it hard to reason about what type of data is being sent to Kafka and > also makes it hard to share an implementation of the serializer. For > example, to support Avro, the serialization logic could be quite involved > since it might need to register the Avro schema in some remote registry a

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-02 Thread Joel Koshy
oint and it's not clear which layer a > user should be using. > > Jun > > > On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 12:34 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > > makes it hard to reason about what type of data is being sent to Kafka > > and > > > also makes it hard to sha

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-02 Thread Joel Koshy
the > "contract" your application programs to is just the normal producer api. > > -Jay > > On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > Re: pushing complexity of dealing with objects: we're talking about > > just a call to a serialize

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-02 Thread Joel Koshy
me, I should be clear that I don't think the proposal is in any way unreasonable which is why I'm definitely not opposed to it, but I'm also not convinced that it is necessary. Thanks, Joel > > On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > Re: pushing co

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-02 Thread Joel Koshy
lization after > getting the raw bytes, perhaps it would be better to have these two steps > integrated. True, but it is just a marginal and very obvious step that shouldn't surprise any user. Thanks, Joel > > Thanks, > > Jun > > On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Jo

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-15 Thread Joel Koshy
(sorry about the late follow-up late - I'm traveling most of this month) I'm likely missing something obvious, but I find the following to be a somewhat vague point that has been mentioned more than once in this thread without a clear explanation. i.e., why is it hard to share a serializer/deseria

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-15 Thread Joel Koshy
f it's not directly used in the API. > > Thanks, > > Jun > > On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 2:11 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > (sorry about the late follow-up late - I'm traveling most of this > > month) > > > > I'm likely missing something obvio

Re: Overheads of a large number of partitions for a topic

2014-12-15 Thread Joel Koshy
(inline) On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 11:45:07AM -0800, Rajiv Kurian wrote: > I currently have a topic with 1024 partitions. I know it's kind of going > past the recommended limits, but I kept it like that because I am moving a > legacy system to kafka and it has a 1024 parallel partitions. I wanted to

Re: How do I create a consumer group

2014-12-15 Thread Joel Koshy
> > Also, my __consumer_offsets topic shows up with a replication factor of 1. > Is that changeable? Yes - see the offsets.topic.num.partitions and offsets.topic.replication.factor broker configs. -- Joel

Re: How do I create a consumer group

2014-12-15 Thread Joel Koshy
> However it turns out to be difficult to know the existing consumer group > strings. Is the message format in __consumer_offsets "public"/stable in any > way or is there a better way of listing the existing group names? Yes it is "stable" but not described in the user documentation since it is an

Re: [DISCUSSION] adding the serializer api back to the new java producer

2014-12-16 Thread Joel Koshy
e to the value serializer to get the value bytes, and finally send the > bytes to the producer. The former will be simpler and likely makes the > adoption easier. > > Thanks, > > Jun > > On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 7:20 PM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > > Documentat

Re: Consumer and offset management support in 0.8.2 and 0.9

2015-01-12 Thread Joel Koshy
rted using it. However, that number is > > > > likely > > > > > > small. Also, the functionality of OffsetCommitRequest has changed > > > since > > > > > > it's writing the offset to a Kafka log, instead of ZK (for good > > > > reas

Re: Leadership rebalance causing drop of incoming messages

2015-01-15 Thread Joel Koshy
> Is leadership rebalance a safe operation? Yes - we use it routinely. For any partition, there should only be a brief (order of seconds) period of rejected messages as leaders move. When that happens the client should refresh metadata and discover the new leader. Are you using the Java producer?

Re: Leadership rebalance causing drop of incoming messages

2015-01-15 Thread Joel Koshy
seems that after the rebalance, some > resources in the brokers was tied up and it was only released after restart > of consumers. > > > On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > > Is leadership rebalance a safe operation? > > > > Yes - we use

Re: Leadership rebalance causing drop of incoming messages

2015-01-21 Thread Joel Koshy
mpression error is likely to be caused by incompatible snappy > version used by the producer. > > Also, it appears that when the metric FailedProduceRequestsPerSec (which > captures the above error) raises to a certain level (around 20/s), it will > start to have impact on the stability of

Re: unable to delete topic with 0.8.2 rc2

2015-01-26 Thread Joel Koshy
Hey Jason, Is it an option for you to do the following: - Bounce in a config change to the brokers to turn off auto-create - (Batch)-delete the topic(s) - Wait long enough for consumers to rebalance (after which they will no longer consume the topic(s)) - Bounce in a config change to the broker

Re: unable to delete topic with 0.8.2 rc2

2015-01-26 Thread Joel Koshy
on, so a consumer rebalance will trigger a fresh > > topic pull from the consumers? How long is 'long enough' to ensure a > > rebalance has occurred everywhere? > > > > Jason > > > > On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > &g

Re: unable to delete topic with 0.8.2 rc2

2015-01-26 Thread Joel Koshy
Hmm.. that's right. completely forgot about that. On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 01:49:33PM -0800, Jun Rao wrote: > Joel, > > That's probably because console consumer always uses wildcard for > consumption. > > Thanks, > > Jun > > On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:

Re: Missing Per-Topic BrokerTopicMetrics in v0.8.2.0

2015-01-27 Thread Joel Koshy
Hi Jason - can you describe how you verify that the metrics are not coming through to the metrics registry? Looking at the metrics code it seems that the mbeans are only registered by the yammer jmx reporter only after being added to the metrics registry. Thanks, Joel On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 02

Re: Can't create a topic; can't delete it either

2015-01-27 Thread Joel Koshy
Which version of the broker are you using? On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 10:27:14PM -0800, Sumit Rangwala wrote: > While running kafka in production I found an issue where a topic wasn't > getting created even with auto topic enabled. I then went ahead and created > the topic manually (from the command

Re: Missing Per-Topic BrokerTopicMetrics in v0.8.2.0

2015-01-27 Thread Joel Koshy
Is it actually getting double-counted? I tried reproducing this locally but the BrokerTopicMetrics.Count lines up with the sum of the PerTopic.Counts for various metrics. On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 03:29:37AM -0500, Jason Rosenberg wrote: > Ok, > > It looks like the yammer MetricName is not being cr

Re: Ques regarding topic partition offset

2015-01-27 Thread Joel Koshy
This can happen as a result of unclean leader elections - there are mbeans on the controller that give the unclean leader election rate - or you can check the controller logs to determine if this happened. On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 09:54:38PM -0800, Liju John wrote: > Hi , > > I have query regardin

Re: Can't create a topic; can't delete it either

2015-01-27 Thread Joel Koshy
is greater than number of available brokers. Check the > > default.replication.factor parameter. > > > > Gwen > > > > On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > Which version of the broker are you using? > > > > > > On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 10:27:1

Re: Can't create a topic; can't delete it either

2015-01-29 Thread Joel Koshy
> If you can tell me where the find the logs I can check. I haven't restarted > my brokers since the issue. This will be specified in the log4j properties that you are using. On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 12:01:01PM -0800, Sumit Rangwala wrote: > On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 10:54 PM, Joe

Re: Kafka ETL Camus Question

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
There was some confusion here - turns out that they do turn it on. I added Tu to this thread and his response: We have speculative set to true by default. With these settings, we are seeing about 5-7% of the tasks have speculative tasks launched, other 90% finished within the standard deviations

Re: Can't create a topic; can't delete it either

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
creation. Since the exact setup is > different I will a start another thread will the the information. > > Sumit > > On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 1:29 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > > If you can tell me where the find the logs I can check. I haven't > > restarted &

Re: kafka-web-console goes down regularly

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
Can you contact the maintainer directly? On Tue, Feb 03, 2015 at 12:09:46PM -0800, Sa Li wrote: > Hi, All > > I am currently using kafka-web-console to monitor the kafka system, it get > down regularly, so I have to restart it every few hours

Re: Turning on cleanup.policy=compact for a topic => not starting cleanup ?

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
- Can you check the log cleaner logs? - Do you have any compressed messages in your log? Or messages without a key? - By default it is in a log-cleaner.log file unless you modified that. - Can you take a thread-dump to see if the log cleaner is still alive? - Also, there is an mbean that you can

Re: Issue with topic deletion

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
Hey Sumit, I thought you would be providing the actual steps to reproduce :) Nevertheless, can you get all the relevant logs: state change logs and controller logs at the very least and if possible server logs and send those over? Joel On Tue, Feb 03, 2015 at 03:27:43PM -0800, Sumit Rangwala wro

Re: Turning on cleanup.policy=compact for a topic => not starting cleanup ?

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
stacktrace in the broker log if this is the case. > > > -Original Message- > From: Joel Koshy [] > Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 3:07 PM > To: > Subject: Re: Turning on cleanup.policy=compact for a topic => not starting &

Re: Turning on cleanup.policy=compact for a topic => not starting cleanup ?

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
re exactly how to do that or what thread > I'd be looking for specifically... Found a suggestion to run > > Jstack -l > jstack.out > > So I did that, and looked for anything containing "Clean" or "clean" and no > matches. > > I wi

Re: Issue with topic deletion

2015-02-03 Thread Joel Koshy
Thanks for the logs - will take a look tomorrow unless someone else gets a chance to get to it today. Joel On Tue, Feb 03, 2015 at 04:11:57PM -0800, Sumit Rangwala wrote: > On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > Hey Sumit, > > > > I thought you would

Re: Issue with topic deletion

2015-02-04 Thread Joel Koshy
y for the topic "test1" while > >> > > >deletion of topic going on. > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > Yes it is the case. However, after a small period of time (say few > >> > > minutes) > >> > &

Re: question about new consumer offset management in 0.8.2

2015-02-05 Thread Joel Koshy
This is documented in the official docs: On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 01:23:01PM -0500, Jason Rosenberg wrote: > What are the defaults for those settings (I assume it will be to continue > using only zookeeper by default)? > > Also, if I hav

Re: Get Latest Offset for Specific Topic for All Partition

2015-02-05 Thread Joel Koshy However, you will need to issue a TopicMetadataRequest first to discover the leaders for all the partitions and then issue the offset request. On Thu, Feb 05, 2015

Re: generics type for Producer and Consumer do not need to match?

2015-02-05 Thread Joel Koshy
There has to be an implicit contract between the producer and consumer. The K, V pairs don't _need_ to match but generally _should_. If producer sends with the consumer may receive as long as it knows how to convert those raw bytes to . In the example if CK == byte[] and CV == byte[] it is effect

Re: question about new consumer offset management in 0.8.2

2015-02-05 Thread Joel Koshy
dirtiness threshold has been met). The compaction policy is also documented on the site. Thanks, Joel > On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > This is documented in the official docs: > > > > &g

Re: Issue with topic deletion

2015-02-05 Thread Joel Koshy
with the default > >> num.partitions and > >> > >> > replication.factor. Did you try stopping the consumer first and > >> issue > >> > >> > the topic delete. > >> > >> > -Harsha > >> > >> > > >> > >> > On Tue, Feb 3, 2015, at 08:37 P

Re: How to delete defunct topics

2015-02-05 Thread Joel Koshy
There are mbeans ( that you can poke for incoming message rate - if you look at those over a period of time you can figure out which of those are likely to be defunct and then delete those topics. On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 02:38:27PM -0800, Jagbi

Re: How to fetch old messages from kafka

2015-02-05 Thread Joel Koshy
> We can reset the offset and get first 10 messages, but since we need to back > in reverse sequence, suppose user has consumed messages upto 100 offset , > currently there are only last 10 messages are visible, from 100 -90, now I > want to retrieve messages from 80 to 90, how can we do that?

Re: question about new consumer offset management in 0.8.2

2015-02-06 Thread Joel Koshy
; Finally, why is section 5.6 titled "Distribution"? Seems to be a grab-bag > of mostly consumer related topics? Yes this was prior structure that can be improved. > > > > > On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > > > > > This is do

Re: question about new consumer offset management in 0.8.2

2015-02-06 Thread Joel Koshy
On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 11:57:15PM -0800, Joel Koshy wrote: > On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 12:43:37AM -0500, Jason Rosenberg wrote: > > I'm not sure what you mean by 'default' behavior 'only if' > > is kafka. Does that mean the 'default&

Re: Lack of JMX LogCleaner and LogCleanerManager metrics

2015-02-10 Thread Joel Koshy
+1 On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 01:32:13PM -0800, Jay Kreps wrote: > I agree that would be a better name. We could rename it if everyone likes > Compactor better. > > -Jay > > On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Gwen Shapira wrote: > > > btw. the name LogCleaner is seriously misleading. Its more of a

Re: Java APIs - which one to use?

2015-02-11 Thread Joel Koshy
You should use the producer under o.a.k.c. The new consumer implementation is not available in 0.8.2 (although the APIs are there) so you would need to use the kafka.javaapi classes for the consumer. We plan to deprecate kafka.javaapi eventually. Thanks, Joel On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:42:04AM +

Re: offset migration from kafka to zookeeper

2015-02-12 Thread Joel Koshy
There are mbeans named KafkaCommitsPerSec and ZooKeeperCommitsPerSec - can you look those up and see what they report? On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 07:32:39PM +0800, tao xiao wrote: > Hi team, > > I was trying to migrate my consumer offset from kafka to zookeeper. > > Here is the original settings of

Re: offset migration from kafka to zookeeper

2015-02-12 Thread Joel Koshy
r == ErrorMapping.NoError) > > offsetMap.put(topicAndPartition, offsetAndMetadata.offset) > > else { > > println("Could not fetch offset for %s due to %s.".format( > topicAndPartition, ErrorMapping.exceptionFor(offsetAndMetadata

Re: offset migration from kafka to zookeeper

2015-02-12 Thread Joel Koshy
Actually I meant to say check that is not increasing. On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 08:15:01AM -0800, Joel Koshy wrote: > Possibly a bug - can you also look at the MaxLag mbean in the consumer > to verify that the maxlag is zero? > > On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 11:24:42PM +0800, tao xiao w

Re: offset migration from kafka to zookeeper

2015-02-12 Thread Joel Koshy
12:18 AM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > Actually I meant to say check that is not increasing. > > > > On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 08:15:01AM -0800, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > Possibly a bug - can you also look at the MaxLag mbean in the consumer > > > to verify that the

Re: offset migration from kafka to zookeeper

2015-02-13 Thread Joel Koshy
led=false. > >2. After consuming messages for a while shutdown the consumer and change > >setting dual.commit.enabled=true > >3. bounce the consumer and run for while. The lag looks good > >4. change setting and bounce the consumer. > >Starting from

Re: consumer lag metric

2015-02-13 Thread Joel Koshy
There are FetcherLagMetrics that you can take a look at. However, it is probably easiest to just monitor MaxLag as that reports the maximum of all the lag metrics. On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 05:03:28PM +0800, tao xiao wrote: > Hi team, > > Is there a metric that shows the consumer lag of a particula

Re: Simple Consumer and offsets

2015-02-17 Thread Joel Koshy
Hi Chris, In 0.8.2, the simple consumer Java API supports committing/fetching offsets that are stored in ZooKeeper. You don't need to issue any ConsumerMetadataRequest for this. Unfortunately, the API currently does not support fetching offsets that are stored in Kafka. Thanks, Joel On Mon, Feb

Re: Consuming a snapshot from log compacted topic

2015-02-18 Thread Joel Koshy
> You are also correct and perceptive to notice that if you check the end of > the log then begin consuming and read up to that point compaction may have > already kicked in (if the reading takes a while) and hence you might have > an incomplete snapshot. Isn't it sufficient to just repeat the che

Re: Consuming a snapshot from log compacted topic

2015-02-18 Thread Joel Koshy
consumer timeout set to -1, it takes some time > to query the max offset values, which is still long enough for more > messages to arrive. Got it - thanks for clarifying. > > > > On 18 February 2015 at 23:16, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > > You are also correct and pe

Re: Simple Consumer and offsets

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:22 PM, Joel Koshy > wrote: > > > Hi Chris, > > In 0.8.2, the simple consumer Java API supports committing/fetching > offsets that are stored in ZooKeeper. You don't need to issue any > ConsumerMetadataRequest for this. Unfortu

Re: Simple Consumer and offsets

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
to use the > SimpleConsumer on failure recovery to set the offsets. > Is that the recommended approach for this use case? > Thanks. > -Suren > > > On Thursday, February 19, 2015 9:40 AM, Joel Koshy > wrote: > > > Are you using it from Java or Scala? i.e.

Re: Simple Consumer and offsets

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
> On Thursday, February 19, 2015 10:25 AM, Joel Koshy > wrote: > > > Not sure what you mean by using the SimpleConsumer on failure > recovery. Can you elaborate on this? > > On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 03:04:47PM +, Suren wrote: > > Haven't used eithe

Re: Consuming a snapshot from log compacted topic

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
gt; To confirm then, the log-end-offset is the same as the cleaner point? > > > > > > > > > > > > On 19 February 2015 at 03:10, Jay Kreps wrote: > > > > > > > Yeah I was thinking either along the lines Joel was suggesting or else > >

Re: New Consumer Offset management in 0.8.2

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
Yes it is supported in 0.8.2-beta. It is documented on the site - you will need to set to kafka. On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 03:57:31PM -0500, Matthew Butt wrote: > I'm having a hard time figuring out if the new Kafka-based offset > management in the high-level Scala Consumer is implem

Re: Consuming a snapshot from log compacted topic

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
February 2015 at 18:47, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > > If I consumed up to the log end offset and log compaction happens in > > > between, I would have missed some messages. > > > > Compaction actually only runs on the rolled over segments (not the > > active - i.e

Re: Simple Consumer and offsets

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
; Joel/All, > The SimpleConsumer constructor requires a specific host and port. > > Can this be any broker? > If it needs to be a specific broker, for 0.8.2, should this be the offset > coordinator? For 0.8.1, does it matter? > -Suren > > > On Thursday, Febru

Re: Simple Consumer and offsets

2015-02-19 Thread Joel Koshy
Yeah that is a good point - will do the update as part of the doc changes in KAFKA-1729 On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:26:30PM -0500, Evan Huus wrote: > On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Joel Koshy wrote: > > > If you are using v0 of OffsetCommit/FetchRequest then you can issue >

Re: ability to delete inactive queues?

2015-02-23 Thread Joel Koshy
We do support delete topic. However, this is a client(admin) operation that is done via zookeeper. It would be useful to do this automatically on the broker-side. Can you file a jira for this? It is not very straightforward to implement this since you would want to check across all partitions whic

Re: Commit offset with SimpleConsumer in 0.8.2

2015-02-23 Thread Joel Koshy
Can you add yourself as a watcher on KAFKA-1729? I will update that when I fix the example on the wiki. On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 10:16:44PM +0100, Jochen Mader wrote: > I have a hard time figuring out how to do a commit using API 0.8.2 on JDK 8. > > I tried using the examples from > > Fi

Re: Simple Consumer and offsets

2015-02-23 Thread Joel Koshy
on restart > > was a viable option, while continuing to use the High Level Consumer for > > our normal operations. Not sure if there is a better way that is compatible > > across 0.8.1 and 0.8.2. > > -Suren > > > > > > On Thursday, February 19, 2015

Re: Why The Division Between Scala And Java

2015-02-23 Thread Joel Koshy
We will eventually only have Java clients. For your specific question: javaapi.SimpleConsumer and consumer.SimpleConsumer - there are some arguments that contain scala-specific constructs. E.g., scala maps which cannot be created in Java. This is why we expose a javaapi variant which takes Java co

Re: Trying to get kafka data to Hadoop

2015-03-04 Thread Joel Koshy
I think the camus mailing list would be more suitable for this question. Thanks, Joel On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 11:00:51AM -0500, max square wrote: > Hi all, > > I have browsed through different conversations around Camus, and bring this > as a kinda Kafka question. I know is not the most orthodo

Re: high level consumer rollback

2015-03-04 Thread Joel Koshy
This is not possible with the current high-level consumer without a restart, but the new consumer (under development) does have support for this. On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 03:04:57PM -0500, Luiz Geovani Vier wrote: > Hello, > > I'm using the high level consumer with auto-commit disabled and a > sin

Re: moving replications

2015-03-04 Thread Joel Koshy
I think what you may be looking for is being discussed here: On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 12:34:30PM +0530, sunil kalva wrote: > Is there any way to automate > On Mar 3, 2015 11:57 AM, "sunil kalv

Re: Log cleaner patch (KAFKA-1641) on

2015-03-13 Thread Joel Koshy
+1 - if you have a way to reproduce that would be ideal. We don't know the root cause of this yet. Our guess is a corner case around shutdowns, but not sure. On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 03:13:45PM -0700, Jun Rao wrote: > Is there a way that you can reproduce this easily? > > Thanks, > > Jun > > On

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