We used to default to 10, but two should be sufficient. There is
little reason to buffer more than that. If you increase it to 2000 you
will most likely run into memory issues. E.g., if your fetch size is
1MB you would enqueue 1MB*2000 chunks in each queue.

On Tue, Nov 04, 2014 at 09:05:44AM -0800, Bhavesh Mistry wrote:
> Hi Kafka Dev Team,
> It seems that Maximum buffer size is set to  2 default.  What is impact of
> changing this to 2000 or so ?   This will improve the consumer thread
> performance ?  More event will be buffered in memory.  Or Is there any
> other recommendation to tune High Level Consumers ?
> Here is code from Kafka Trunk Branch:
>   val MaxQueuedChunks = 2
>   /** max number of message chunks buffered for consumption, each chunk can
> be up to fetch.message.max.bytes*/
>   val queuedMaxMessages = props.getInt("queued.max.message.chunks",
> MaxQueuedChunks)
> Thanks,
> Bhavesh

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