> So, lastly the thread dump. Not sure exactly how to do that or what thread 
> I'd be looking for specifically... Found a suggestion to run 
> Jstack -l <JAVA_PID> > jstack.out

That should work, although you can just send SIGQUIT (kill -3) to the

> So I did that, and looked for anything containing "Clean" or "clean" and no 
> matches.

So the cleaner is not there. Usually this is due to a fatal error
while doing the cleaning round - most often due to a compressed
message leaking in or insufficient memory. There should be a
stacktrace in the broker log if this is the case.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joel Koshy [mailto:jjkosh...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 3:07 PM
> To: users@kafka.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Turning on cleanup.policy=compact for a topic => not starting 
> cleanup ?
> - Can you check the log cleaner logs?
> - Do you have any compressed messages in your log? Or messages without
>   a key?
> - By default it is in a log-cleaner.log file unless you modified that.
> - Can you take a thread-dump to see if the log cleaner is still alive?
> - Also, there is an mbean that you can poke: "max-dirty-percent" under
>   log cleaner. Can you check on its value?
> Thanks,
> Joel
> On Tue, Feb 03, 2015 at 10:59:27PM +0000, Thunder Stumpges wrote:
> > Hi guys, I am having a difficult time getting the log compaction to run on 
> > a topic I created initially with cleanup.policy=delete. Here's the details:
> > 
> > 3 brokers, all have log.cleaner.enable=true (other than this there 
> > are no non-defaults set in our server.properties)
> > 
> > Create the topic first with policy=delete and a short window. Wanted to see 
> > that the segments were being created and deleted by the "normal" delete 
> > retention. This seemed to work fine. New segments created every 6 seconds 
> > while I add some test data, then the cleaner comes along and deletes log 
> > segments after 1min.
> > 
> > sudo bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper zk1:2181/kafka --create --topic 
> > dev_testcompact --partitions 10 --replication-factor 3 --config 
> > cleanup.policy=delete --config segment.ms=6000 --config retention.ms=60000
> > 
> > 
> > Then I tried to update the policy to do compact:
> > sudo bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper zk1:2181/kafka --alter --topic 
> > dev_testcompact --config cleanup.policy=compact --config 
> > min.cleanable.dirty.ratio=0.3 -config delete.retention.ms=60000
> > 
> > From this point, the deletion retention stopped cleaning up, but the 
> > compact cleaner doesn't seem to be running at all. I was expecting that 
> > after 15 seconds (default for setting log.cleaner.backoff.ms) the cleaner 
> > would come in and compact the old segments. I now have generated 400 rows 
> > across 40 keys (so there is plenty to compact). Segments are being created 
> > every 6 seconds per the config.
> > 
> > I have also tried removing the deletion related config:
> > 
> > sudo bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper zk1:2181/kafka --alter --topic 
> > dev_testcompact --deleteConfig retention.ms
> > 
> > I then restarted one of the three brokers wondering if it needed to restart 
> > to pick up new configs, still no clenup. What am I doing wrong?!


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