We do support delete topic. However, this is a client(admin) operation
that is done via zookeeper. It would be useful to do this
automatically on the broker-side. Can you file a jira for this?  It is
not very straightforward to implement this since you would want to
check across all partitions which would be on multiple brokers. An
alternative would be offline tools that scrape the topic-level mbeans
on the broker and proceed to delete topic if the corresponding
incoming message rate has been stuck at zero for a certain period of

On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 11:18:23AM -0800, Kevin Burton wrote:
> I’m considering porting an app from ActiveMQ to Kafka so I’m new here.
> Apologizes if this has been asked before.
> Is it possible to delete inactive queues?  Specifically queues with no
> messages on them which haven’t received any new messages in say 5 minutes.
> We use a lot of ephemeral queues which is why I ask.
> -- 
> Founder/CEO Spinn3r.com
> Location: *San Francisco, CA*
> blog: http://burtonator.wordpress.com
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