Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-02-08 Thread Colin Holgate
My login to the forum seems not to be working, otherwise I would post a reply. From the information, it seems like it’s a Portrait app. I think Apple’s response is incorrect, and that trying to appeal to them might be successful. There’s a difference between what I was talking about, where you s

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-02-08 Thread Richard Gaskin
Last month I asked: Colin Holgate wrote: > Being letterboxed isn’t a quality issue, it isn’t even bad. It’s just > that Apple would reject the app. On what grounds? If there was an answer I missed it, but it seems Apple prefers that users get the full benefit of their screen size. A fel

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-28 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
And yet another solution is to forget the top and bottom completely -- don’t use that area for controls if you are designing on 16:9 Today I was working on my dynamic image puzzle maker and wanted the entire virtual space on the iPhone so I moved my controls over to the left. After a successfu

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-27 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
FYI: My function was using the device ratio based on the screen rect….but your math uses the device *pixels* either way, the ratio is the same 16:9 | 736:414 | 1080:1920 and this does not affect your math: ( 1024 - (768/414*736) ) /2 = -171 (170.5) So thanks for that… I will try it… for the

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-27 Thread Colin Holgate
To elaborate on that… If you have a card that is 1024x768, running on a device that is 1920x1080, showAll will make you see the 1024x768, with an extra 171 pixels either side, to make 1366x768. That is then scaled up to fill the 1920x1080. An object in the upper left corner would have its top a

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-27 Thread Colin Holgate
It’s the ratio of the device screen you need, not the ratio of the card. > On Jan 27, 2016, at 9:17 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami > wrote: > > Colin wrote: > > In showAll to position controls in the corners you need to know the ratio of > the device screen. You then multiply that by the wid

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-27 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Colin wrote: In showAll to position controls in the corners you need to know the ratio of the device screen. You then multiply that by the width or height, to work out the position. OK I tried this and failed. FYI you need all splash screens installed in standAlone config to get iOS screen r

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 1/26/2016 10:07 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote: @ Jaqueline… If you run a 16:9 — 1200 X 675 stack on an iPad. the card rect is still reported as 675 high even though the screen is 728 high set the bottom of grp “bottomNav” to item 4 of (the rect of this card) will float the group

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
On January 26, 2016 at 9:39:15 AM, Colin Holgate ( wrote: In showAll to position controls in the corners you need to know the ratio of the device screen. You then multiply that by the width or height, to work out the position. @ colin: I th

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 1/26/2016 12:00 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote: As for 3:2… that’s a new one on me… got any real number pixel > dimensions for that one? There's a chart here:

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread Colin Holgate
In showAll to position controls in the corners you need to know the ratio of the device screen. You then multiply that by the width or height, to work out the position. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url t

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Interesting… “give us artwork/image 4:3 with 75% interior safe zone” I thinks still works for 5:3 and 16:10. You will just have some of the bleed showing in those ratios. As for 3:2… that’s a new one on me… got any real number pixel dimensions for that one? But getting art/image background to

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread Colin Holgate
You have to support iPhone 5, meaning, include default-5...@2x.png, so that it doesn’t look like an iPhone 4 app. > On Jan 26, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Richard Gaskin > wrote: > > Colin Holgate wrote: > > > Being letterboxed isn’t a quality issue, it isn’t even bad. It’s just > > that Apple would r

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread Richard Gaskin
Colin Holgate wrote: > Being letterboxed isn’t a quality issue, it isn’t even bad. It’s just > that Apple would reject the app. On what grounds? -- Richard Gaskin Fourth World Systems Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web __

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread Colin Holgate
Being letterboxed isn’t a quality issue, it isn’t even bad. It’s just that Apple would reject the app. In the Android world it’s more normal to develop for an 800x480 ratio, and people on wider or taller devices understand why there is letter boxing. It’s an Apple problem not an Android one. Al

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-26 Thread Roger Eller
Please stop downplaying what quality level is considered acceptable on Android. You're making false stereotypical assertions when in reality there are app designers so focused on providing a great experience. You may not see them all, because some don't publish to Apple (by choice). On Jan 25, 20

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
More results: I was going “nuts” and results in the simulator seemed to depend on the time of day, current humidity and wind speed and position of the stars at any given moment… making too many changes on each iteration is dangerous… I narrowed it down: setting the bottom of a control basedon

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread Scott Rossi
If I understand what you're trying to do, I accommodate this by designing groups to position themselves when the card is open, using preOpenControl or openControl. Simple example: -- SCRIPT OF TAB BAR GROUP OR SIMILAR on preOpenControl put rect of this card into theRect put item 4 of theRec

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 1/25/2016 2:59 PM, Colin Holgate wrote: With showAll, I wouldn’t even use code. Have the tools centered in one direction and aligned to the edges in the other direction. If you want tools to hug a corner, then it gets more complicated. For the stack in question, the toolbar needed to stretch

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread Colin Holgate
With showAll, I wouldn’t even use code. Have the tools centered in one direction and aligned to the edges in the other direction. If you want tools to hug a corner, then it gets more complicated. > On Jan 25, 2016, at 8:49 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami > wrote: > > Disclaimer on my “Safe Zon

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Disclaimer on my “Safe Zone’ stack The initial discovery “target” for that initiative was simply to come up with something to tell our illustrators and artists. I believe the 75% “middle area is your safe zone” but 12.5% top/Bottom (or left-right) holds as an instruction for artists. BUT: @

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread Terry Judd
On 25/01/2016 9:09 pm, "use-livecode on behalf of Colin Holgate" wrote: >The 4:3 to 16:9 is a range, it¹s not that it only takes care of those two >cases. If you use a 4:3 card and have 16:9 content, on a 16:10 device, >you¹ll see most of the 16:9 content. > >There are cases where a device migh

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread Colin Holgate
Were the tools part of the card, or other stacks? If they’re part of the card then they add to the width, making it more than 16:9. Even if they’re other stacks it could force it to become part of the showAll area. In other words, if you’re using showAll, don’t use clever code to position the t

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread J. Landman Gay
I've moved a 16:9 stack to Android and the problem with right/left edges wasn't minor. There was a significant gap at the edges that made toolbars and images appear to be hanging in space. I think the general rule to use 75% of the internal area for the content will probably translate to Andro

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-25 Thread Colin Holgate
The 4:3 to 16:9 is a range, it’s not that it only takes care of those two cases. If you use a 4:3 card and have 16:9 content, on a 16:10 device, you’ll see most of the 16:9 content. There are cases where a device might exceed 16:9. For example, a 16:9 device that is showing some sort of tempora

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-24 Thread Terry Judd
I ended going with Œletterbox¹ on android for my latest phone app and making a few adjustments so that the entire screen is used. I developed initially for iOS using a 320x460 stack that adjusts in height by moving the bottom bar (and sometimes additional elements) down according to the height of t

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-24 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 1/24/2016 2:34 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote: Your safe zone is (I hope I am finally declaring this correctly) 1) for a “root" 16 X 9 stack: the full width + 75% of the vertical height that will render on a 4 X 3 device — ergo artists must supply you with 4 X 3 artwork with signific

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-24 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
go stack url ("”) OK I finished what I think is a decent 1st iteration of something useful, that demonstrates what we are facing. disclaimer: only showAll is demo'ed Though your head can start swimming when you think about the various opt

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-18 Thread David Bovill
Send us the stack - and I can use it to demo a new workflow I'm working on. It will have a wiki int eh middle and github at the top - with local "pass the baton" methodology stitched in their somehow :) On 17 January 2016 at 07:16, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote: > I have decided, for now, jus

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-16 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
I have decided, for now, just to go with a stack that has a documentation substack. I made a good start today… couple of hours into it. For now it only expose the specs required if you use “fullScreenMode” ShowAll. For collaboration we can use the old “pass the baton” method… I make V 1.0.0… so

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-16 Thread Earthednet-wp
This sounds like a wonderful contribution and I know I'll find it very useful. Thanks so much and I'm looking forward to the result. Best, Bill William Prothero > On Jan 16, 2016, at 10:16 AM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami > wrote: > > I’m about ready to go into the docum

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-16 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
I’m about ready to go into the documentation on this, not only for myself, but for our design team and for our illustrators. I would like to make this collaborative in the sense that we would invite a limited number of contributors to the documentation. It would include some PDF’s templates for

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-04 Thread EED-wp Email
I wonder if a set of screen templates for a range of ui configurations might not be a product folks would be willing to pay for. It sounds like it might save some folks a lot of time. Bill William Prothero > On Jan 4, 2016, at 6:33 PM, Colin Holgate wrote: > > Don’t

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-04 Thread Colin Holgate
Don’t know, you should test it. According to the help it returns the screenrect after removing things like the keyboard overlay. But that may still be in virtual pixels, based on the card rect. > On Jan 4, 2016, at 8:55 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami > wrote: > > Seems better to let Livecode

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-04 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Seems better to let Livecode do the job… which means working in iPad size even though your main target is phones. Odd, but that would work for controls that are meant to stay top and bottom. OTHO I don’t understand how it is that “tricky”… doesn’t the screen rect solve this for any device? on

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-04 Thread Colin Holgate
Which you choose is often dependent on whether you have tools that stick to the top and bottom, or the sides. If you do use code to make them snap into place, it can be tricky. You need to find the real width and height of the device itself, divide one into the other, and use that as a multiplie

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-04 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Bill: Yes. I plan to draft something put it on Google Docs an invite a few others.. it’s pretty mission critical, especially if you are about to hire ($) animators. I worked late last night using “showAll” and I think in the end this is the simplest way to go. Landscape, showAll — 16 X 9 c

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-04 Thread William Prothero
Colin and Brahmanathaswami: When this discussion topic is finally resolved, it would be wonderful and extremely useful if a summaryof the best practice, with comments on implementation consequences, was posted somewhere. This is an important issue and will save the rest of us who haven’t faced

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-04 Thread Colin Holgate
With showAll you are guaranteed to see all of the original card contents. On a wider screen the height of the card is still fitted into the height of the device, and the extra width is filled in with the content that was off the edges of the card. I’ve used showAll for books, where I wanted to

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-03 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
HA @ colin: “Almost all of the things I’ve done have been ‘showAll’ " and here I was thinking you were recommending “noBorder” as the optimum development strategy. But the whole exercise is still very useful. I think it is still the case that if you want to have someone (and need to provide s

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-03 Thread Colin Holgate
A key difference between showAll and noBorder is that with noBorder all of the content you will ever see has to lie within the card area. With showAll only the content that everyone will see is in the card area, there remember is off the edges of the card, and will get revealed to users with eit

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-02 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Scott: I’m not actually interested in working in hi-res. ON our last project I worked in native size (iphone 6+ …..736H X 414w) it was enough to learn/know to make all images 1472 X 828 (then we get quality), import those and simple resie them to fit. By on my new LG monitor (huge!) using 14

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Hi Bramanatha: It sounds like you're working at actual hi-res size when you may not need to. You should be able to lay out a stack at half your hi-res dimensions, and the stack will auto-scale to fit the device. The only upscaling aspect you really need to be concerned about is images. You can cr

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2016-01-01 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
@Colin: Update on this thread: I have tried this exactly as you have defined it using the numbers you gave. It awesome on preopenstack set the fullscreenmode of this stack to “noBorder” end preopenstack works perfectly! Caveat: if developing on iPhone 16X9 at 14X 9 canvas (card rect) the bot

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-12-14 Thread Brahmanathaswami
I am back to app dev and working on this spec for my artists and designers. Something still does not make sense. @colin... you saidLC would take care of resizing any stack size to fit any device and to use the stack size ratio of 14 X 9 and then make it whatever sites is comfortable. what f

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-29 Thread Brahmanathaswami
hhhmm make new stack set size to 1400 X 900 and on my 15" iMac I can't see the whole stack despite the retina display... and Apple, in it's infinite wisdom, no longer offers the option to see/change the screen pixel dimensions. Resolution:2880 x 1800 Retina so that rect is not going

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-29 Thread Brahmanathaswami
Good. we are on the same page... I think your 1400px x 900px is certainly easier to remember than 1288p wide x 828 But I did not anticipate dropping to visible area of 788 top to bottom. that's another 56 pixel inset "save" margin to think about. i.e the safe zone then is really 1400 X 788

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-26 Thread Colin Holgate
Here are some real numbers: The complete card could be 1400x900. On a 16:9 device you would see all of the 1400 width, and 788 pixels of the height. On a 4:3 device you would see all of the 900 height, and 1200 of the width. So, you would have the important things within the central 1200 of th

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-25 Thread Brahmanathaswami
Aloha, Colin: noborder -- 14:9 OK this is useful... just so we are on the same page... "center safe" refers to the dimensions of the entire screen...right? I need to bring this down to actual numbers and my head hearts if we stay too theoretical. Any "live matter margins" (as we say in the

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-25 Thread Colin Holgate
With showall, all of the content would appear on all screens, and extra content would appear on wider or taller screens (if you have content off the edges of the card area). Although noborder can be used to achieve the same results as showall (by dictating a maximum width or height), it can be v

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-25 Thread J. Landman Gay
Actually, I think what he's looking for will be in "showAll" mode. The specs he/we need are: 1. Ideal stack size for the actual stack file 2. Ideal screen ratio 3. The "target" area where controls should be located and still be visible on any device 4. The "margin" area to consider on larger sc

Re: One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-25 Thread Colin Holgate
What you’re describing is one variation of solving the problem, and in LiveCode that is what the different full screen modes do. The one you’re showing is the noborder variation, only you’re using it in a way where you are dictating the standard width. Look at these links I’ve posted before, an

One Rect For All specificaiton

2015-11-24 Thread Brahmanathaswami
I want to kick off a discussion on target rects for design work. We may have a small team of animators and illustrators start work on some projects that would eventually find their way into a mobile app. For these "modules" I would lock it to landscape. For "Agile animation development" (= sh