will help to illustrate how everything is related. Top
is good because it if your load is high you'll want to see
what is causing it so you can find a solution to bring it
down and increase system performance.
Hope that helps :)
Melissa Plunkett
Walt wrote:
> At 01:53 AM 5/17/00
found learning by example is one of the best
ways so try going to places such as the http://www.cgi-resources.com/
where there are tons of perl CGI's for you to tinker with.
Have fun :)
Melissa Plunkett
Clair Mooza wrote:
> I don't know the first thing about Perl and am very ne
g documentation:
Melissa Plunkett
Jeff Frasca wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, 20 May 2000, Lori wrote:
> > Can some of you perl ppl out there point me in the right di
Hello all,
I thought I'd share a really kewl program with all of you that
I first tried out a few months ago. It's a program called
Bastille Linux (http://bastille-linux.sourceforge.net/) and
helps you to secure your Red Hat 6.0 box. The reason I
am posting this is that if you are setting up y
Sorry to reply to this a bit late, I'm a tad behind in
email reading.
There is one other rather good automated security measure
that I use and believe is related to this discussion, esp
since logcheck was mentioned. The software is portsentry
and is available by the same people that wrote logchec
was a home box this would help
to keep out the prying eyes and help to keep the original
posters mind at ease.
Jamie Walker wrote:
> Melissa Plunkett wrote:
> > configurable, for example you can handle port scans by
> > using the feature that adds the offen
I think I can help a bit with the nsswitch.conf vs hosts.conf question.
I run NIS and NFS on IRIX so it's a little different but not too much.
A quick explaination of NIS (Network Information System)...NIS is a
service that allows you to make important information available to other
Doh! I sent it to Jeff only, sorry Jeff...let's try this again...
Jeff Frasca wrote:
> > > What good resources are there that describe things like the above? Are
> > > there any books that anyone can recommend?
> Once you've gone through a book that gets you started, or if you have a
Davida Schiff wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 PC's running RH 6.1 hooked to our network. Yesterday both were able
> to mount a (NFS) server named Mango. Today after a reboot the NFS automount
> fails. Also I can't manually mount it with the following command: mount
> /mnt/mango when I do I get this
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of Neohapsis
> Matt Fearnow
> SANS GIAC Incident Handler
> If you have additional data on this worm or a critical quetsion please
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boot directly to X/Gnome
> with Redhat 7 whereas I was booting to console with Redhat 6.
Are you getting any messages in the system log (/var/adm/messages) when
occurs? This will help all of us provide a better answer.
/* Melissa Plunkett
t email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
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/* Melissa Plunkett
/* System/Network Administrat
ys it can only support up to 4 GB). I couldn't find a howto on
> backups. Can anyone point to better references? Or suggest some backup
> packages?
> Thanks!
> Jen
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/* Melissa Plunkett
/* System/Network Administrator
/* College of Education
/* University of Missouri
n says something about his open
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> Rose
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