Lothan wrote:
> I'm at my wits end trying to figure out a bizarre problem with Redhat 7 and
> hope someone can offer some guidance. I originally installed Redhat 7 from
> scratch (reformatting the entire drive with pure Linux partitions) and it
> ran for about three months pretty much continuously without any problems. I
> don't shutdown or reboot very often. One night I couldn't connect to the net
> so I shutdown the computer from the Gnome menus. During the shutdown process
> I noticed a message something along the lines of "hdb is busy" but it
> continued to shutdown. Upon reboot most of the /dev directory was fairly
> well trashed.
> What's so strange to me is that this has happened four times and it doesn't
> matter if I leave it running continuously or shutdown every night. Seemingly
> at random I'll get "hdb is busy" during shutdown and the drive will be
> trashed upon reboot. At first I thought it might be the NIC since one
> symptom is that I always loose connection to the net when it happens.
> Unfortunately replacing the NIC hasn't helped. I also swapped hard drives
> with another computer and installed a new video card. That rules out
> everything except the motherboard. Even more puzzling is that it has been
> running Windows 2000 for the past three weeks without any problems.
> The only other possibility I can think of is that I boot directly to X/Gnome
> with Redhat 7 whereas I was booting to console with Redhat 6.
Are you getting any messages in the system log (/var/adm/messages) when
occurs? This will help all of us provide a better answer.
/* Melissa Plunkett
/* System/Network Administrator
/* College of Education
/* University of Missouri - Columbia
/* 111 London Hall
/* Columbia, MO 65211
/* Phone: (573) 884-6835
/* Fax: (573) 884-5158
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