I've used vmware for about 6 months and many I work with use it as well.
It really does rock if you *must* use windows apps. The only warning is
be sure to have plenty of memory in the box since vmware runs a virual
machine it needs as much memory as you normally would need for just a
windows box alone. Best part is when windows crashes you don't lose
the whole machine..just the window (I love that). Oh I've also run
the Adobe tools you mentioned, Dreamweaver and Flash and have
had no problems so far. I'm a tad out of it today so I hope that
I am making sense.
Oh and I am not sure if they have an academic discount. Last time
I checked they didn't and that will really hurt them as a company.
(There is a ton of software I started using when I was a student
just because there was an academic discount and still use it now
because of that).
Good luck,
Rose wrote:
> I am interested in vmware and would love to hear from others who have
> used this. I just emailed them in hopes of getting an academic discount.
> On the other hand Im all for ending the clutter of two boxes on my desk
> and giving one to someone who needs one and using Wine for the major
> apps I run like Photoshop 6 and Illustrator. That is if they will work
> under wine. I need to investigate that further.
> O/T: My sons Dad called me today all happy, it appears as though page
> 226 of O'Reillys Perl for Sys Admin says something about his open
> source baby freetds.org, awww!
> Rose
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/* System/Network Administrator
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